Am I too sensitive or is my girlfriend wrong?


I have been with my girlfriend for 8 months. She is currently undergoing training and I'm a student. See you once or twice a week as she lives in another city and the journey takes 40 minutes. She thinks that we should see each other every day and not often twice a week. Besides, she would like to do something from time to time, as she would like to collect nice memories with me. But these things cost a lot of money for a student. Eating out (10-15 euro), weekend trip (200 euro), thermal baths (16 euro) etc. If I tell her that I'm happy when we spend time together and not necessarily have to do something, then she always says: " Great". We can watch Netflix together, cook together, go doggy with the dog, go to a bar and have a beer, etc. All this is not enough. She wants to do more. In addition, she always complains when I stroke the dog, although he barks. He had to be educated. She also complains when I tell her that she does not necessarily have to drive 180 km / h on the highway, although the speed is unlimited. She also complains that I'm on the phone all the time when visiting her friends. I greeted their friends, introduced myself and also offered them the opportunity to set the table (we had a barbecue together). After that, my girlfriend talked with her friends about some other people I did not know. So I could not have a say. After that, I was on the phone. What else should I have done? And she says that it seems disinterested and I should just listen. What do you think?


If your friend wants to do things that you can't afford, she'll just have to pay for it - that's just logical.

How she drives… Well, I think nobody would like to talk in ;-)

When you go to strangers for the first time, it is indeed very rude to get your cell phone out and deal with it elsewhere, because even when it comes to topics that you can't have a say in, courtesy dictates that To put things away. In addition, one signals so that one has no desire to be involved in discussions. This is blatantly rude, because I would be pissed if I was your girlfriend.


What kind of a goat she is, if I had to judge her by stars I would give her five pieces.

Look for another girlfriend. She did not deserve you.

High speed 240 euro fine, two points in Flensburg and one month driving ban, can also be more expensive depending on how many miles she is over it.

Maybe she wants that so if she has so much money then she can pay for that herself.

She seems to be a very ungrateful person.


The part of the highway but you have already understood or. He writes unlimited. Since you can even drive 300 …


Tell her clearly that you do not have that much money. Get rid of the expensive things like weekend getaway, then you can afford the less expensive things like swimming pool. Many great things like rest tours, hiking tours with picnics, swimming in the Baggersee cost but not much. I think she just has to understand that or just invite you to do something you can't afford. It's good that you pay attention to the money.
Drive: Nobody likes to be talked into. I'm on her side.
Friends: Tell her that. If she has issues that you can't have a say in, that's a little bit considerate and it's no wonder you're on her phone. You should both approach each other and see that you actively integrate your partner in the circle of friends. She should choose topics that you can have a say in, and in case of doubt you should just listen.
Dog: If it's your dog, she does not really care. If she had a lot of her own dog training experience, it might be good to let you see something. Of course, dogs should not be rewarded while they are doing something that they should not.
I can understand that she wants to see you more often. She then has to visit you more often, if you can afford neither fare nor travel time so often. It's easy.


I've already understood that depends on how much she drives the more she drives the more expensive it will be but you also seem to be such a smart guy


Once again.UNLIMITED… Nothing you understood


He writes in the entrance mailing that at unlimited speed (that is, you can drive as fast as you want) 180 drives. She is allowed to, there are no points and no traffic ticket. And no, it's not about the Schlaumeiern, but that you go out from a speeding violation - the girlfriend of the questioner but no commits.


My good you are right, of course, I have overlooked the un before indefinitely but does not do anything thank you for the instruction you see no man is perfect