How do you deal with your high sensitivity?


I'm highly sensitive where my psychloge comes from.

Even the way I behaved as a child.

I also have an anxiety disorder and my psychologist thinks that there's a connection to my high sensitivity and anxiety disorder.

Well, highly sensitive person, you are sensitive to stress. In the past, when I was overwhelmed, I always tipped over. In 2017, however, I got panic attacks in stressful situations, overwhelmed with sensory overload can also get panic attacks if I notice that others are not doing well.

Somehow I also perceive every sound very intensely.

Watching examples yesterday at Netflix, I hear a cell phone ringing, I checked all cell phones, none of them rang. With a cell phone in hand, the degrees decrease.

My parents didn't hear that.

Also gives examples like with the garden hose 2 gardens.

Am also noise, taste smell sensitive react to certain noises extremely can smack and loud breathing and door bangs do not stop.

But on feelings perception I'm totally intensely observing everyone and trying to look into everyone I find extremely interesting can put myself in everything


I'm not very sensitive, but I'm very sensitive to emotions and noises. There are moments when the sound of electricity alone drives me crazy because it is so loud. Or these cooling shelves in the store. Small things like too big dots (?) On the wallpaper or minimal stains catch my eye and annoy me (I'm quite a perfectionist). But how should you deal with it? Just normal. I don't know any other way🤷🏼♀️


I would advise you to avoid overstimulation wherever possible and to take a lot of time to come down, for example through meditation.

In addition, high sensitivity is often negatively affected, but maybe it can help you to perceive it as something positive. Very few people perceive the world with all its details as clearly as you and your friends certainly appreciate your sensitivity and emotional intelligence very much.

Regarding the anxiety disorder, I don't know how to help: /


OK, thank you, I don't have any friends at the moment because I have been absent from school for 9 months.


Of course, I avoid concerts and like to use headphones when watching TV together so that I can adjust my volume myself.


I'm also very sensitive. Hear almost everything and perceive a lot at the same time that others don't even notice. I practically constantly scan my surroundings for new, strange, striking things, etc. Bark a dog and immediately think about who it belongs to and where it is and why it barks. When I hear the neighbor downstairs scolding her child, I get a slight feeling of anxiety because it affects me emotionally as if I was affected.

I'm also sensitive to stress. I avoid stress as much as I can. I usually avoid overwhelming situations. As a result, my life is relatively barren and lonely from the outside, but I feel most comfortable when I'm alone with myself and can divide my time freely from the influences of others. I'm in an inner dialogue with myself practically all day, always balancing the inside with the outside.

When a disturbance appears from the outside, I look to see whether I need to address it immediately or whether it is more important now that I take care of myself and stay with me.

I'm also very sensitive to smell, as soon as I perceive a different smell, all my attention goes there and I can enjoy the pleasant smells very much, for example, while I I get almost physical pain from too much car exhaust. So my well-being depends very much on the environment in which I find myself. The big city with its noise and stench is actually not the right place for me and I can never sleep at night without earplugs.

How do I deal with my high sensitivity?

-I avoid too many stimuli at once (if possible)

-I withdraw a lot and regenerate myself in being all-in

-I prefer to take a detour to avoid the noise and stench of big streets

-I avoid public transport

-I use earropax to avoid unnecessary noise

-I consciously enjoy the beautiful aspects of high sensitivity: I put beautiful flowers in the room, take care of my plants and my cat (that calms down!), cook delicious food with wonderful spices, enjoy the scents and moods of summer with one Walk, make myself comfortable and often listen to music (e.g. Classical or chillout or 432hz music), I maintain contacts with other highly sensitive people and avoid stress spreaders…

I always sleep alone in the room, because otherwise I will be breathing or breathing. The other person's snoring noises. Otherwise, I focus on positive things and gratitude so that I don't have to deal with ailments and ailments all the time…


OK, I personally like concerts very much even though I was pretty tired on my first one and trembled totally after going out. It was a blatant experience.

Concerts are still a part of it for me, but would only go to my favorite band's concert, the rest would be too exhausting for me


Nice answer


I do the same with the headphones. Headphones are a good thing anyway, because you can also filter out the outside noise.


I personally can't do that. Volume is my weak point. If something is too loud for me, I start to cry and get a complete crisis😂😅


For me it is somehow different with music, I like to listen to loud music but only the music I like since I was a little child.

With the rest, I'm totally sensitive to volume, but strangely not to music, which amazes me.

Music is like an addiction for me.

Like drugs, I need every day.

But I also like to listen to relaxed things, but also to something with bass and party mukke. To dance, move and dance every day since I have nothing else to do. I just need that, otherwise I like to lie in bed and think about life or watch people




As a highly sensitive, curious, intelligent and inquisitive person, I often feel stressed or bored. Social contacts are very limited, not because I'm socially incompetent, but because it is just too stressful and too exhausting for me. That often makes me sad and angry too.

I like to paint, watch series at my volume, I always need it to be soft and cuddly and I've got a human-related, sensitive, cuddly cat. I always need options to make adjustments in my environment such as sun protection, fans, etc. To make it somewhat pleasant for me, which I find annoying.