Internet provider criteria?


I have to get my own home network for the first time (because of moving out) and there are a few important things about which I only have a limited idea.

The most important thing is that I don't have to worry about a high ping after work and can simply play completely relaxed and fluently (on the console). The ping depends on many factors as far as I know. With us it will be the case that my girlfriend streams Netflix, downloads apps, FaceTime'd, etc. In other words, the line will be used well with us.

Now my question: You are inundated with offers, although I simply have no plan what to look out for specifically. So what's good in my situation? High uploads? High downloads? Or something completely different? ^^
Can you recommend connections (maybe even your own)? Price-performance?

I'm curious.


Honestly? Telecom!

I just had stress with everyone else. Find a good offer from Telekom.


There are only Telekom and Vodafone as correct providers. Everything else runs through their cables. Support is bad for both.


Telekom or vodafone (Kabel Deutschland)

All other providers in Germany are only resellers of the two, with the exception of the very few regional providers who maintain their own network


In any case, DSL and no cable internet. Look what is available at your address. 100 Mbit / s is a minimum when gaming (My opinion!)


Until now I had Vodafone and not even FIFA made me scream like that


I'm of the opinion that you have to find out for yourself what is the best provider for you in your new location. Check out your new neighbors there. What is the use of the supposedly best provider who does not provide sufficient up-to-date services at your place of residence?

Contrary to RainTager, I have had good personal experiences with Kabel Deutschland. I've been a customer in a small town for years, serious faults around twice a year. At least 90% of the up to bandwidth is permanently achieved, that is 200 Mb / s download and 12 Mb / s upload. There are no bottlenecks for two people. But as I said, these are my personal experiences that others justifiably can't share.

Current test (20:12,

Internet provider criteria