Good and cheap internet provider?


Short state of affairs, how it looks to me.

So: We're a very large family of 6 people who all connect to the same network. Accordingly, our internet is miserable.

As some, like me, others constantly watch Netflix etc. The internet is busy.

We have an Easybox A803 from Vodafon. Plus phone. Around 30 euro. Unfortunately, I do not know how many MBit / s we have. My statement: For downloads not more than 2Mbit.

Now my question: Do you know a good and cheap Internet provider? Best one in the same price range and also with telephone? (Maybe you can also tell me if I can change something as a 16 year old with the consent of my mother and how does that work?)

It strains in the digital world constantly our nerves and also our fun when we 5x a day the Internet fails.




Very helpful answer, not. We have had problems with Vodafone very often. That's why we want to change in general.


Are you sure that no one else in the house charged the internet when you measured the speed?

Is there only a DSL / telephone jack with you? No antenna socket for a cable connection?

Over a line can run only a single DSL contract. Not two at the same time. And the maximum possible speed is determined by the line. If you already have the fastest possible, you can book anything faster, no matter which provider.

Have you already called Vodafon and asked what speed you have currently booked and if it is possible to get something faster?


But if the answer was helpful for you, it could be twice your superior


The best thing is to call you from 9 clock today and ask. It works without the permission of your mother. Of course, you can't give yourself an order to change the tariff.

You can also check on the websites of other providers, which speed you could get there.

For example, with the or


Unfortunately, I can only test the internet connection while using others. As we said, we're a very big family and it's hard to catch a moment when nobody is connected to the internet.

Unfortunately I do not know where to get the information regarding the telephone socket / DSL socket / Antebnenbuchse.

Faster it does not always run (is annoying downloads of games but that only affects me). Main thing it does not stop constantly. Mind. 5 times a day the connection is either completely gone or you are connected but nothing is working. I do not know what the reason is.


You do not know which jacks are in your house? And your parents do not know it?

If the connection is gone, does the phone still work? If so, then the connection must be alright and it's up to something else, such as overload, because too many things are being downloaded / streamed at the same time.

Can you access the Easybox settings? There you can see under "Extras / ADSL status" the speed. Incidentally, the router also has a QoS function that allows you to prioritize certain data. Telephony, for example, has a higher priority than anything else by default and therefore probably works even if the line is completely overloaded.


You can't change the contract. You are not a contractor and not capable of acting. That's your parents' business.

To find out how fast your access is, just do a speed test a couple of times. Make sure that the PC is directly connected to the EasyBox with a Lankabel, so that not WLan and dLan / Powerline falsify the measurement result.

If you have already connected the laptop or PC with the Easy, just look at the provider or portal pages, who offers the best in your place. To get to your question: Yes, but the knowledge is of no use to you if you do not happen to live in the same region as me.

If the problems (5 times a day "Internet failure") are homemade, a change of provider or tariff will not make it any better. And 6 users for a network is not that much.


Yes, our phone always works. Even if our internet is completely down or overloaded.