Cheap rate for mobile Internet wanted?


I'm looking for a reliable provider for the mobile Internet. At the moment I'm using Vodafone, but I can't say the fares for the mobile internet, it's simply not enough for too much money. I need mobile internet because I'm not up home for up to 12 hours a day and that for weeks, so wireless is not the answer at home. Basically, I use the net to surf, play, navigate and communicate, from time to time look to the Netflix, so I would like something where not after a few MB directly uses a throttling or you become the self-payer. Would be very happy if someone can help me there 😁


The first question is ALWAYS what network do you need.

And then you choose any provider on one of the tens of thousands of comparison portals that offer generous data volumes.


Sorry I'm unfortunately not quite up to date, had hoped somehow to get help if you are not so well versed in the field 😁 I'm really unsure now what is meant by network, the provider? Or is that the thing with 4G, 3G and so on? How do you know which network you need?


Flatrate for 80 euro everything else is pointless.


I've somehow already feared / otherwise only max 10 GB offered, you would because it needs to postpone eternally it is even more expensive, it's a shame that there are people who are traveling a lot because there's no reasonable solution.


As you look at Vodafone, o2 or Telekom, how the mobile coverage is in your area with you.

And there you choose the appropriate tariff.

For example, Here:

You have to make sure that you have telephony with you.


Yes, unfortunately, there you are right.


Ah many, many thanks 😁 that helps me a lot further 👍 Telekom seems to me to be the best of the cover.


You can get a term contract, where there's no volume limit. In Germany from 60 Euro per month (up to 80 Euro)