Apple TV, Google Chromecast or something similar for 2012 TV?


I've been using my Phillips Smart TV for almost 10 years now

Unfortunately, fewer and fewer programs are supported, which is why I need something else.

Changing the TV is out of the question for me, because it has everything I need.

Full HD

Good viewing angles

Loud (with integrated subwoofer)


and much more.

Unfortunately, Youtube, Netflix etc. Are no longer supported or at least no longer start.

That's why I would like to put a small box or stick in the television so that I can use everything again and can also mirror my mobile phone on the monitor of the screen.

Do you have any recommendations?

Apple TV, Google Chromecast or something similar for 2012 TV

Here is the software that was last updated by Phillips in 2014


I have the Cromecast. You can use it to watch Amazon films, for example. I still play games with Stadia, it comes as a set. It has this symbol like on YouTube where you can then connect TVs. But he needs the possibility of the USB plug, if your television has it.


The TV did! However, I also looked at this Xioami Mi box which should also have its advantages and disadvantages