Girlfriend is lazy, reason for separation or not?


Girlfriend is lazy. Only Netflix, television, video games, Hartz 4.

Would that be a reason for separation or not?


Have you ever talked to her about it?


After all, I'm a hardworking person. Then if the girlfriend just sits around and sits on the pocket of the state and does not bother about anything, that wouldn't bother…


Absolutely a reason for separation what do you want with such a person?

However, I would check beforehand whether there's a depression or something similar. If it is really only convenience, then away with it.

- Nothing comes easily from nothing!


Of course, you should clarify the cause beforehand. If there was a mental illness behind it, that would not be a reason for me to separate.


For me, I don't want a relationship with a mentally ill person… Am I a therapist?




I rather doubt that you have no girlfriend


Yes, not a girlfriend, just f +


I think that's hard! This is exactly why some people are ashamed of their mental illness… If I loved the person, I would do anything to support them!


An F + is something else than a relationship… I could understand it better.


I find it questionable how many would split up because of this.

If you haven't even talked to her about it, that would be the first step. Vll it is because of the upbringing and she doesn't even know how much it bothers you. But if you tell her about it, she can work on it.

For example, if there's depression, you support them if you love the partner instead of throwing them away.

Only if she didn't care and she was really just lazy would it be a reason for separation.


It depends on,

why you are together.
If you give her money.
Whether you work together for what is necessary

If you have your wages for yourself and you want them to take care of your home, you would take advantage of them.

Just being lazy is not enough. The truth is behind it.

Sure, she has more free time with social welfare than you do when you work. But you can work your way up. It stays on the level.

You have to think and you should talk.


What does that have to do with level? Little humanity does no harm


Human is wonderful.