Girlfriend doesn't want to work, I have to pay for everything I do?


My girlfriend (26 years old) is very lazy, she has Hartz 4 and refuses to work. I prefer Netflix all day and chill. I have to pay for everything, regularly fill the fridge, paid for vacation, bought the new Playstation for Christmas, my S-class can also drive it regularly, it's small problems, I earn very well as a craftsman, around 5000 - 6000 a month… What should I do so that she isn't so lazy? Mini-job would also be good, 2 hours a week. She says it's not worth it if it doesn't bring enough money. We have separate apartments, she lives alone, can I do something? I love her! She looks very good!


In which trade do you earn 5 to 6 thousand euro? Are you self-employed or somehow a master or really as a journeyman so much?


I have a lot of money - she looks good. Any questions? Evil assumption - one-sided love…

Turn off the money tap, she should move her bottom and do something.

I would feel sooo bad just to let my friend AND THE TAXPAYER put me through.


If you live with her at an income of 6000 euro a month, she doesn't get a Hartz 4
And no normal craftsman at a young age gets paid 6000 euro


That was the best part. I laughed with relish.

I have a lot of money - she looks good. Any questions?


We have separate apartments, she lives alone

And there are craftsmen who earn so much because they still work on the side.


We live in 2 weeks, only 50m away, we pay rent and so on. I've been working as a craftsman for 10 years, since I was 20 … At 13th salary I have almost 10,000. Full order book, always busy.


That's the price you have to pay if you want to stay with her. She expects these services and you offer them them, that is probably an unspoken deal - you can of course break off at any time if you want by separating from her and making it clear to her that you have different ideas about a relationship and you I wish you a woman who has both feet on the ground and who does an honest job, like you do, and that you seem to come from different worlds. You may not be the right one for her, because you can't make her finally get up and take her life into her own hands.

You don't blame her for really making a difference. I don't know if she loves you, and I don't know how important it is to you at all. What she sure doesn't do is respect you. I couldn't live with that at all, but you have to decide for yourself. She has the situation fully under control and you seem absolutely powerless to stand up to her, this is not a relationship on an equal footing.

I would ask you to support you in your job. You say you are a craftsman and earn well, then you need someone to take care of your appointments, taxes, accounting, etc. That's all she does, right? Or what is your consideration for funding it? Does she take care of your household while you make money for both of you?

Or is your consideration your mere presence and your attractiveness? If so, then I wish you will at some point realize that you need enough self-confidence to realize that you deserve something better.


Taxes and so does my boss… We have 2 apartments because she says it would be better, also because of the money (because it gets from the state), we live only 50m away, my house is cleaned by my mum.


Ok you are not self-employed, then I understand that she can't support you in your job. She says it's better if you live apart, how exactly does she explain that? Would you like to live with her, is she the right one for you to live with? Is she your great love, a woman who you want to put at your feet everything you earn without lifting a finger herself? Are you ashamed in front of your mother that she runs your household or are you doing your mother a favor because it is a job that makes her happy?


I'm in the company, 5000 is nothing, I know others who have more


Of course you can do something about it. I would end this relationship despite love, because in the long run it won't work, it will ruin you and yourself.

Other mothers also have beautiful and above all "viable" daughters.


Because of community of needs…



Man, don't you notice that she's just taking advantage of you. She lives at your expense like a parasite! And that doesn't work at all. Either she gets her act together and moves her bottom or she should run away. Nobody really needs that.

or do you intend to work for them all your life and feed them through?