Heartache because of a guy who doesn't know what he wants?


So I know that this is probably not a question that can answer outsiders so well, but I would like to know what you think.

So… I have known a guy for a year that I think is really cute and that I have fallen in love with over the years. There's nothing I don't like about him haha he's perfect. Well, anyway, we have met quite often, but also had hardly any contact in between. He was with me 2 months ago and we watched Netflix and he kissed me on the cheek and generally we cuddled and stuff. Then we had no contact for a few weeks because he hardly got in touch afterwards. On Sunday we went to eat spontaneously (he started out) and because my parents weren't there he asked me if I would like to stay with him… Shortly before he said it didn't work because he had to go to the doctor the next morning… At 7 clock. Maybe I'm interpreting too much, but I think he got cold feet or didn't want to, because which doctor is up at 7 (living in a rural area) and why he didn't have it on his screen. Anyway, he drove me home. Yesterday I asked if we would meet tonight but he said he has to take his sister somewhere… I have the feeling that he doesn't like me but on the other hand he also makes comments more often, has also held my hand after eating in the car wrote to me later that he thought it was nice and something.
What do you think… You have to say I think he has contact with many girls and is already experienced and so…

I would just like to know what I'm at… But I can hardly just ask him like that… Or maybe… How could I write him that?

Never had so much love trouble… Always have to think of him…

btw. He is 18 & I 16


Just talk to him. Tell him that you have developed feelings and you want to know how he imagines that it will go on with you


Sounds like he might be a little too quick. He may not be that experienced and is unsure. Or he is unsure of his feelings and does not want to start with anything solid and give you no false hopes.

But these are only guesses. Boys are often a mystery. If I were you, I would just ask him. Do not push him to anything but you could write him that you always find your meetings very nice and if he is the same. And whether he would like to repeat this in the near future.


He is apparently afraid of a deeper relationship and bond. He proposes things that can be true, but also good excuses.

It is very difficult to have a real relationship with someone who wants to protect themselves. You would always have to wait until he gives himself another push and can allow proximity for a short time. This has nothing to do with the fact that he likes you or finds you attractive, he quickly feels bound and unfree and throws you off again.

You can try to talk to him about it. Of course, he will also hide behind his wall here and not move out.

Whether you hold on to him or prefer to separate clearly, think it over carefully and in peace.

You know there are more cute boys out there…


People who think that others don't know what they want

rather have this problem themselves. Which is not surprising at your age.


Listen to what the oldy has to say: