Guy sends mixed signals?


Hi. So it's about a guy who sends mixed signals. We do not have a lot of personal contact personally, but when celebrating he often flirts, but not very much. Just a few comments and so on. For a while or sometimes he still writes or responds to stories of me on social media and also sometimes writes flirtatious. However, there are times when he virtually ignores me, although I quasi "templates" to flirt. He had also hinted at dates, but never really made a move in that direction. From my experience, guys make more attempts when they want something from one, even if it's just "the one." That's pretty confusing now, as this guy makes a few hints from time to time, but sometimes completely ignored. I can't understand that, because these allusions bring nothing to him without any further attempts, so why would a guy do that? Because when he makes comments on something like Netflix and chill, which I also agree with, he does not answer further and does not care anymore? Sorry, but guys are so complicated! Would be glad about some speculations or experiences with such a behavior!


That can be everything and nothing… Either he just needs personal confirmation or "uproar" for his ego.
Why spend a lot of time with it, either continue to "manipulate" or just talk flat in his "Flirtphase" on it.

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