Netflix through mixed episodes?


I hate it! For example: South Park, famlily guy and other well-known series have mixed up the consequences! All episodes are not properly organized. For example at South Park, there are 23 seasons in total and Netflix only has: Season 1, Season 19, Season 20, 21, and 22. Where are the other seasons? What's the Netflix?


Netflix may not provide series and films as you please. The owners decide that.


They do old seasons and take out old episodes for whatever reason. For them it is irrelevant whether this season is watching a lot of people or not. The hottest things are removed and only new garbage is now on Netflix


You only buy what works best because you have to buy a license for it which costs money


You don't need a netflix to watch all of the southpark followers. The makers provide the series legally and free of charge. So it is hardly worth buying the license for netflix.

as far as the other series are concerned, this is also a licensing issue.