What did they mix with me?


I'm 15 years old, smoked last but not least and then found out after about 5 minutes that I mixed in something else. But it was still a cool feeling. I was sitting outside at the beginning. When I first got a headache, I suddenly felt the cold, from which I had not shivered before. I felt dizzy and my heartbeat increased dramatically. I went to my room. Suddenly my muscles twitched. It felt like small needles pecking from my feet to my head all over my body. It was very tingling. I felt my blood flow through my body and everything turned in circles. When I looked at the light of my room, the colors changed between green and red. Unable to endure, as everything swayed before my eyes, I closed my eyes and saw a circular, rainbow-colored part that turned. I suddenly saw different cartoon characters spinning in circles. I heard a music in my head, I knew that I imagined it but could not suppress it. It was always the same beat that did not stop. But if I closed my eyes too long, they hurt after about 20 seconds, so I had to open them. I could not speak a clear word, say my friends who were there. My throat was dry and I had to drink all the time. From that point on I knew that I just had to relax so everything would be fine. I looked at Netflix. The skin of the people was red, the colors around me changed and all the actions that happened, I forgot again after 2 seconds. Nevertheless, that was a really cool feeling. I was relaxed like never before. My field of view grew slowly and then smaller and so on, until I fell asleep over time.

Which drug has the guy mixed into the hash for me?


Nobody can see clairvoyance here.


Salvia divinorum. Anyway, would explain the stitches. But actually you can taste it, because it is very disgusting


Although it does not last long. How long did it last?


But I have to say that the guy who sold me the hash also makes psychic drugs himself.