Family Guy seasons on Netflix?


Why are the Family Guy seasons so completely wrong on Netflix? E.g. Simpson Guy on season 13 even though it's actually 15? Some of the consequences are missing?! Then only one season number slipped? 17 is 16, 16 is 15, but 15 is 13? Does that matter to Netflix? Or am I crazy?

is there a provider who has everything clean and, above all, uncensored and complete?

Does Family Guy Really Own Disney?


Are just the usual sorting problems that Netflix often has. Can't do anything.

In addition, there's a warning from Family Guys that some consequences are still missing because the German synchronization during the pandemic is not easy to organize. Just be patient.

Family Guys is also owned by 20th Century Fox. That in turn belongs to the Walt Disney Company. In short, yes, Family Guys is owned by Disney.