Friend broke up heartache?

- in Movies

My friend 20 broke up with me 3 days ago. I'm just so bad… My heart is pounding and sometimes I feel sick and I'm in pain. We want to meet vlt today because we wanted to watch a Netflix movie now he says he doesn't know what time etc. Well now I'm worse because I'm afraid it won't work today. The thing is I just want to see him again because I want to talk to him again about my feelings about him. He broke up because he doesn't want any or he always thinks negatively or just thinks too much you know what I mean? I really love them very much I suffer…


He broke up and doesn't want a relationship! So: stop torturing yourself by running after him. Look at a love muzzle, eat ice cream and chocolate, howl in the evening and then you get up, set the crown, dress up and off you go. Other mothers also have beautiful sons!


There's little you can do. Accept, forgive and carry on. You can pretty much get in there if you're not careful. Believe me, you don't want that.

If he wants to go, let him go. If he has a negative attitude towards a relationship, he is unsuitable for a relationship.

You can't change anything there either.

My advice is to forgive him and to break off the contact completely. A few years ago I was about to kill myself because of something like that. Because I stepped in and told myself that I couldn't do it without her. As long as you tell yourself this, you will be in pain every day. Talking a lot about it hardly helps, it will only annoy the other person after a certain point of time.

Concentrate on yourself in the near future, occupy yourself with your hobbies, make sure that you can get on your own and be satisfied.

Do me a favor and rather invite a friend to watch Netflix. Watch a good movie, some snacks, etc.


First, keep your distance when you are over it and want to have a friendship with him, it is easier for you, otherwise you will never get over him.

I always think like this: Ex is Ex and I won't want to build friendship there, I've always done well with it.


Oh god I'm so sorry for you, back then I bruised my arms or hit my arm against objects. Now I try not to do it (because of work, etc.) it is very difficult for me every day I cry myself out or my room looks really catastrophic because I have no more energy


My condolences. I'm very, very sorry that he has broken up now.

My advice: talk to him one last time so that you can better deal with it. And then delete his number and everything else.

Try to distract yourself and really forget about him. He just seemed to have played with you and only wanted to be with you for so long that he didn't feel lonely, but true love looks different.

If one only wants friendship, but the other is still in love, this only leads to even greater lovesickness.


Yes, the most important thing for me is to talk to him again because I can't get away with these thoughts


Just tell him the opinion, then you will definitely feel better. All the best!


I don't quite understand that now… You separated but want to watch a movie?

So when my relationship was over I didn't get in touch for a few weeks! Then a friend came along and said "hey your ex girlfriend wants to talk to you"

I had absolutely no desire to see her but I wanted to hear what she had to report.

We spoke out and it was clear to me that it would be better to really go your separate ways, it hurt, I only cried for several days and felt bad. Thank God I had a friend who was there for me and spent time with me to forget them.

I know it hurts, but you don't separate because of boredom… There must be a reason.

If I were you, I would talk to him first and then continue to watch how it goes on, but if you leave that with the film, YOU will still hope that you CAN come together again. So talk to each other first and let your feelings rest and come down a bit.

If you still need something, a tip or advice or who to talk to, I'm open to everything.


In any case, that was very helpful thanks

the thing is i have been with him before and he just did the same thing and regretted it after a few days (back then we had a long distance relationship moderately because he did his high school in England)

We found the contact where it was officially back in my city

everything went well again then that… I think that he advised it again moderately or didn't mean it seriously like last time that he just didn't think about it… I should be with him today at 13:30 to watch the film and want his again Feel closeness I want to talk to him again and give you another chance to change you know


Thank you


You have no energy and yet your room looks devastated? Haha, do you have magical powers?


Take care of yourself.

That doesn't mean you should get tons of cakes and chocolate. You're not doing anything good for your body. Cook something healthy yourself. Sign up at the gym (most people do something like that) or go jogging.

And clean up your booth, that's gross!