Summer vacation and heartache what to do?


My friend broke up with me yesterday and it hurts a lot because I didn't want this separation and I still love him. It is also very difficult for me to cope with, because it is also a summer vacation and I don't have too much distraction. In the afternoons I try to meet friends and do something about it. However, I feel very alone in the morning and evening and do not know what to do. I'm not reading right now and I've always looked at Netflix via his account


He broke up yesterday, that's normal. In 4 weeks the world looks different.

do sports or something, do things that are good for you


Get out there and have fun.

And for at home: find a hobby… Or do something productive. Cleaning bathrooms, for example.


Start a project for yourself maybe a painting project or what else you like to do or drive to a quiet place where you can relax sea, mountains, lake etc.

maybe a vacation job in a place where you don't accidentally run into him


Heartache is never easy, the heart hurts and nothing is more fun. Like you, millions of other people are doing right now, and of course I've already done it all.

So first of all I would allow grief. Cry yourself out, "sink" a little into the grief - the most important thing is that you come back up.

Therefore, as always, the same lyre: meet up with friends, talk to them on the phone in the evening if you have heartache, trust your mom (they are usually great lovesick psychologists) and just concentrate on yourself. Do things that you have been doing for a long time you wanted to tackle again -> sport, drawing, cooking, handicrafts, riding, writing, etc.) and you will see… Even if you do not believe it now, but at some point - it is different for everyone - you will wake up and you it will be noticed that the pain is only half as great until you have not even thought about it for a few hours.

But especially important: Should he come dancing around again… Don't be lulled!


If you feel very alone, you can also call online advice centers. You will be listened to and reacted optimally to your situation.

Otherwise, only helps if you listen to music or go for a walk, for example. It is also very important that you let your grief out of you and not be ashamed of it.