Can my mother give me house arrest during the summer vacation?


My mother gave me house arrest for 1 week in the middle of the summer vacation so I can't go out and no friend can go to me that means I can't go swimming or anything. And that because I watched a episode of netflix after saying good night but even before midnight I turned off and it was really only one episode so 20 min. Isn't that forbidden? Because that's pretty degrading and that's forbidden. I would be very happy about replies.

PS I'm 13


You may.

If it is only one episode and not otherwise, then it is probably exaggerated, but legally not a problem.


Forbidden NO. You are your parents. Does she say where to go. Until you are 18.

It's only 20 minutes and I as a mother would never see it as a problem. It would have missed the junior, but unfortunately you got it wrong. (choose from parents) Now you just have to take a deep breath without asking constantly.


"They're your parents. Until you are 18." And after 18 you are no longer your parents?!


Written stupid yes. I'll turn it over for you…


Certainly she can. What would be forbidden would be violence or that you would not be adequately cared for.

And you probably know the rules that apply in your home. But it's cute that you're looking for walking arguments just because you've done something that isn't allowed.

But hey, head up. The summer vacation is longer than 2 or 3 weeks.

You can try it with a conversation, for example, whether you help more in the household than usual and the arrest is milder. If you then show a little insight and put on the Dachshund look, it can work.


Plain and moving - you are 13 - a minor and have to obey your parents' commandments. If you don't, sanctions like the "house arrest" now imposed on you will follow. I find the type of sanction senseless - but your parents can use such an "educational measure".

If you were my child… I would temporarily deprive you of the opportunity to watch NETFLIX. I guess that would hit you a lot harder.


At 13 we have a good night's sleep. There are exceptions, of course, but rarely. I suspect that this punishment was preceded by a long history, and it was not this one-off event.

Follow the rules, then you don't need something like that.


At 9 p.m. On vacation?


Why not on vacation?


It's more about breaking trust than about 20 minutes

if he did it this time, he'll probably do it again - and who knows what else he shouldn't do.

the punishment will be so hard now that trust is gone