How do I get my life under control and how can I start living properly?


I'm in a very deep hole right now. I spent my whole summer vacation indoors with Netflix and the like. I'm extremely dependent on cell phones and lie in bed all day.

I really don't know how to do it. I don't even know what it feels like to live your life properly and not do nothing all day. I just don't enjoy anything anymore. I want to change so many things but I just can't do it.

What are you doing all day?

Do you have any tips on how to get away from my cell phone?

What makes you happy


You can stay on your cell phone, everyone does the same. Just look for a relationship or go on vacation.


Journaling helped me a lot…


Just go outside, with headphones and music and run loose rum - I do it sometimes, then I feel better


I think summer camps are good, preferably outdoor camps, because you learn a lot about nature and survive, and you are outside a lot.