From ZH / CH am 22 no idea what to do, no clear career goal, career guidance BIZ I was, brought nothing, no matter how many times & what hobby, do not know?


Bin 22 completed 2010-013 secondary school A in math level 2 & Franz level 1, 2014-15 10th school year, 2015-18 apprenticeship as a logistician EFZ finished, 2018-19 (17 April) in the military. I've always been an average student, my strengths lie in school allgm German Grammar Allgm (ABU), English & Sports & Weaknesses: History, Geography, Franz, Math. In the second level Franz level 2, I was the best at the beginning and promptly upgraded in Nivau 1st After the sec I had since had little to do with Franz and have thus lost my knowledge. Now to me: since 2014 in the 10th school year, I got depression until today, I'm alone, no friends, no party, exit and was almost always home every weekend. Was laughed at by ex-friends because I could not deal with you, since then I still have a sense of revenge and aggression and can't think of anything but past. I have no life experience, more accurate career goal or friends and fun in life. Likewise, I lack social contacts, can't have a say, listen and concentration problem, my Allgm knowledge is = 0, nothing knows completely empty thoughts. I did not like my apprenticeship as a logistician right from the start, I hate carrying heavy things, dirt and getting up very early, my God. My interests in the spare time / what I do from LW to be too busy are: listening to YouTube rap / hiphop, Netflix, PC allgm working e.g. MS Office, looking funny in front of the mirror and talking myself, cursing, thinking about my pointless life (every day, I wonder, why do I have to suffer that way). I really do not know, I'm so exhausted, busy lying on the bed, can't raise me to learn something new. Mentally I'm a 17/18 year old no knowledge of life, how this works like (rent, insurance, adult stuff talking), was never in a restaurant with real friends, does not know me with alcohol. I drink, I do not smoke, I never had sex, not kissed. I have the urge, but because of my religion I have to control myself. It is embarrassing that I have now become that, because I was always given, the biggest lucky guy, inwardly a true fiend. My real problem is now: what should I do next, I can't think clearly, I know nothing, I need someone who shows me the direction & is there for me more often? Should I venture a new training, start with or without BMS 1 / BMS 2 / further education or what else? I do not know anything, I need someone who explains everything to me, what exactly that is, how it goes on with a career, no idea where the BMS or further education leads, how it works, what are the requirements? I do not know what I want and what job suits me, whether computer science / KV, but I'm bad at math, Franz, can't get me up to anything? Can someone help me please / better yet, where does the CH come from and explain everything to me? What to do?


I hope the grades do not refer to Swiss level:-))

In Switzerland, especially in larger cities, you have countless possibilities to plan your future. There are many doors open. Go to the local employment office and let me advise you.


I can tell you what you DO NOT need: people who tell you what to do.

The rest of my answer will not please you, so be it:

You do not need anyone to give you a tip for a job. Two things crystallize in your text: You need a) a psychiatrist and b) a lazy sack that is quite a pity for one or the other.

Fingers from the but, looking for work and first "serious", then others can help you too.


I need someone who shows me the direction & is often there for me? Should I venture a new training, start with or without BMS 1 / BMS 2 / further education or what else? I do not know anything, I need someone who explains everything to me, what exactly that is, how it goes on with a career, no idea where the BMS or further education leads, how it works, what are the requirements? I do not know what I want and what job suits me,

Exactly for these questions the BIS would actually be there. Did you put her? What was answered? Why did not that help?

If I understood you correctly, you completed the sec A and did an apprenticeship as a logistician (did you finish it? Canceled?). It can be built on that. You are not faced with nothing, but with many possibilities.

Basically, I see two problem areas with you, of course, influence each other. First, your depression. I do not know to what extent you have diagnosed this yourself or have been to the doctor. In any case, your listlessness, self-contempt, and feeling that you are missing out on life and completely disoriented, is what you need support for. Try a regular conversation with the psychologist - your family doctor can refer you there. Do not worry, you're not "crazy" or "sick" just because you try to get your life started and better understand yourself with professional support.

Second problem: aimlessness. You have an apprenticeship as a logistician, but you do not care that profession at all. How did you decide to do it then? And, more importantly, what would you rather do? Very few people immediately find the perfect job for themselves. Take your time, inform yourself, take a look. If you are really suffering from depression, it may well be that this aimlessness comes. All the more meaningful would be therapeutic help.


Therapy I was already from 2016-018, brought nothing and because of my health insurance, because you no longer want to take over the treatment costs, I have stopped the therapy itself. Is worth too much money!


Those on the Zurich Employment Bureau make you just more broken than really to advise you. I only had bad experiences with it. Think he should just go to temporary work to see what appeals to him. The questioner has to help himself, that's the only way to get out of the mess.


Did you get medication for your depression? If so, did you say they did not work, and did you try them out? If not: why not?


I took antidepressants for a while, felt no change.


And did you mention that in therapy? Why was no other product tried? It is normal that not every active ingredient works equally well for each patient and you often have to try many different medications until you find one that helps.


Neh I had some excuse to escape from the fact that I feel "better". I hated therapies, they just listen and I was forced to attend there every second / third week.


Well, that therapy does not work if you "hate" it and refuse to join in, that's pretty logical. And of course, if you tell your therapist that the meds work, then no other agents will be tested. That's up to you, not the therapy. You just did not want to.

But well, if you think you do not want therapy and need it, leave it. Then start at the second point. What would you rather do than be a logistician? Which professions could you imagine?


Kv / Informatik simply a job where you work with PC or Vlt also in the office. The problem is extremely bad, a rivet in math & Franz, which makes me hard. In addition, I'm unsure whether I should ever dare a secondary education / not, because I'm surrounded only by the 2000s and I 96er♂️


You yourself wrote that you were quite good in French and just out of practice. This can be learned again and further expanded.

As for computer science / math: Look at a few tutorials. Program learning. This does not replace any training, but you can see if you like the area and you can imagine deepening in it. Once you see what you need the math for, maybe the motivation is higher.

And if it is not for you, in the KV no higher mathematics is required. With a little motivation that should be feasible.