Why don't you clear away snow?


I have to let off some air here, because that's really not normal anymore. For a few days there has been snow everywhere on sidewalks and streets. Why is that not being cleared properly? Especially because of the Corona crisis, a lot of them are at home (I'm not talking about the home office) but from the unemployed or short-time workers in general. It can't be that nobody here wants to help. Better to hang in front of the console or watch Netflix instead of lending a hand, disgusting. How can you be so selfish?

I have two jobs in Erfurt. I deliver newspapers before my main job. Get up at 2:30 a.m. Every morning and come back at 6 p.m. In the evening. And then you still hear from passers-by "Why don't I get a newspaper / mail" Yes, look at the sidewalks… Then you have your answer. There's hardly a bus or train, you run your feet in the "slush" or "trampled snow". I absolutely can't understand that you don't even take a snow shovel and clean it up properly. Because you can neither get through with your delivery bike nor with a bicycle trailer. And then complain because nothing arrives.

Not only tenants are in demand here, but also landlords who commission subcontractors. It can't be when a caretaker (including me) only half-heartedly scatters OVER the snow. What's the use? And do we have to pay for such a caretaker? I have absolutely no sympathy for any excuses. You're just being lazy with each other.

And to everyone who has properly cleared and spread.

My greatest thanks go to you.


From one delivery person to another: you are right.

But: evacuation does not start until 7 a.m. And we have to be ready by 6 a.m.

For me, the stairways that have not been cleared / scattered to the naturally ABOVE attached mailbox are added.

My newspaper boss provided me with these "American throwing bags". The newspaper comes in and I throw it on the doorstep. Point! I do NOT risk my bones on stairs that have not been cleared / strewn. And if the mailbox is not accessible again, the newspaper is thrown in front of the door and it's good!

Subscribers with special requests are especially nice: the newspaper should NOT be in the mailbox on the outside of the goal post… No, you should go around the house and please clamp it behind the door handle so that the customer doesn't have to go the few meters to the mailbox in the morning! I always refuse with reference to the specified "plug-in time", which allows me 2 seconds to plug in each newspaper.

From house numbers that do not exist / can't be seen in the dark, to missing name tags, to "I put the full / smelly garbage can for pickup right in front of the mailbox" or "I park the car right on the fence in front of the mailbox", I have quite a few copies on mine Trip.

And woe betide you if the newspaper has received three falling snowflakes (newspaper was wet!) Or comes later than usual: There will be massive complaints about the delivery soon!


And, where do you live? In my area, everything is properly shaved


Since I own a residential property, I dutifully clear my sidewalk, as I can be held liable if I don't and someone falls.

I still clear the sidewalk and entrance area of my 75-year-old neighbor because she can no longer do it, but is still legally obliged to do so.

Nobody feels responsible in the neighboring apartment building. 3 out of 5 rental parties are Hartzer and probably neither have the time for it nor want to shovel snow. It is the only sidewalk area in the whole long street that usually remains uncleared until the snow thaws again anyway. Asi, but none of my business.


To clear the snow for a 75 year old is a matter of course at the moment. I would have done too.


Shortly before Christmas, she always gives us a large bag of sweets, champagne and coffee for us 😉

For me, that goes without saying, even without a thank you.


I don't think anyone in our house has a snow shovel. XD XD

No seriously. We have a caretaker service. It scoops the sidewalks and the courtyard. But since there's no sidewalk to our front door and the city is responsible for the street, it has been looking like a battlefield for days. Now that everything is frozen solid, let's go. But the last few days have been dangerous. It's good that no elderly people live in our house.


I have never experienced complaints like this with myself. But what you describe is just pure egoism or it is just not thought about…


At the end of the day I saw a woman who cleared the snow with a child's shovel… So somehow that's already possible. You just have to want to.


Our side streets also look like hell, the clearance service never takes care of that. Main streets are also only evacuated in a wishy-washy manner. The footpaths are the same in green. Partly icy, partly not cleared at all. Winter services and many caretaker companies are hopelessly overwhelmed when it is real winter again.

As far as some of the footpaths in front of private houses are concerned, there's a phenomenon that I have often observed: They have cleared everything so far and the winter service pours everything back from the street.

So many sometimes useless things are invented. Maybe one day develop a vehicle in which the snow is taken inwards so that it can be dumped on open spaces, the idea never seems to have occurred to anyone. When people shovel their cars in front of our house, they also sink the snow across the street onto the green areas that are now snowed over.


Yes that would be a good invention. A snow vacuum…

But actually we have something similar for garbage on the streets… It is churned up and sucked up with a rotating sweeper.


Hm, sweepers are.


Don't even say that it doesn't work. But it is not the responsibility of the tenant if he has already paid for the service… And the city has to be liable for the road if something happens.

But I wouldn't do a Lui either if I didn't have my newspaper in my mailbox in such weather. Just see everything in a relaxed way… Those are first-world problems.


Of course, it's not just the tenant, but also the landlord, who doesn't have control over what their caretaker is doing. Therefore, as a tenant, you should also complain to the landlord. I have now done that too, and will refuse the next settlement with caretaker costs, because I do not see it as paying for someone like that.