Insta Fake Account - Why is she doing this?


My crush (w15) has known since Friday that I (m16) love her. Not much has happened so far… Now she posted two pictures in her story on Instagram on Sunday: on the one you can see food and a boy linked, on the other you can see the story of the boy with whom the two (you can see them not) watch Netflix.

I asked her so today if it was a date. She said yes. But since I couldn't quite believe that, I looked for the pictures via Google Reverse Picture Search and saw that she had the pictures from the Internet. Even the boy's profile picture. The boy's profile is private and it says there are 3 posts. He also wrote that it is his new account. The account has 7 followers. 4 Of which are displayed: My crush, the best friend, another good friend and another good friend.

So I assume that she faked the account.

Now to my question
Why is she doing this? How should I handle it? Should I confront you with this?

I have no idea what to do…

Fun fact: Your best friend wrote to me yesterday on Insta and wants to establish contact with me…


Not to go into that would be too stupid for me.


Uh, you have to know what you're doing. She may want you to confront her with it. So that it leads to a conversation.


This girl can be stolen from you. Just a stupid cow…


She wants you to get jealous and probably wants to make yourself a little more interesting, which unfortunately just leaves her really incompetent.

Just speak to her best.