Your opinion on the story?


At the beginning of the year, I experienced a very depressing story.
Because I'm still not sure whether I did something wrong, I wanted to know your opinion on the subject.

The whole story started in early December.
One of my best friends introduced me to a new good friend who goes to the same school as me. When I first saw her, I found her immediately attractive.
Coincidentally, she probably found me interesting too, at least she asked our mutual friend for my number and wrote to me.
In any case, we wrote a lot and then telephoned for many hours later. We also met often at school.
During this time I developed a lot of feelings.
From time to time she became more and more depressed and said that nothing can happen between us. She didn't want to tell me the reason for this, but she has often said how much I mean to her.
I then said that she should take her time and tell me that when she is ready.
Nevertheless, we continued to increase contact.
After we met for the first time at her and the second time at mine and we had cuddled while watching Netflix, we kissed and at third meetings.

When, after 2 weeks of extensive contact, I asked again how it looks now with her secret, she said that she wants to tell me personally and that we can't do anything until then.
So she or we pressed a break and she confessed to me shortly before New Year's Eve that she likes a guy from about 450 km away. (your secret)
I showed understanding but told her that she had to find out what she really wanted.
We celebrated New Year's Eve with a few friends and she was there too, because we had planned the whole thing in advance. She wanted to sleep on the sofa with me too, because she lives a little too far away.
In any case, we celebrated and she cuddled up to me the whole time and later sat on my lap.
When everyone left and we went to sleep, she was a little drunk. She refused to go to sleep unless she was allowed to sleep in my arms.
So she lay in my arms and fell asleep. After about 2-3 hours I switched back to my bed because I didn't want her or me to regret the night.
The next morning she asked me why I didn't stay with her.
When school started again, we continued to write and phone.
We really talked about everything.
Then in mid-January she blocked me. And of course the question marks were on my face.
It then turned out that she had been with a classmate of mine for two weeks and they had also slept together.
What do you think?


Later she said that we should stay friends and spread lies about me with my friends.
She said to our mutual friend that she never had feelings for me.
This time changed me a lot and depressed me for a long time.
Actually it still depresses me a little today.

Especially because I still spend many hours in class with her new boyfriend. In some hours even right next to him.
And that's why it's still part of my life through my circle of friends


Nevertheless, just try to gain some distance and process the whole thing. Correct these lies and maybe put yourself into practice ;-)


You had a very exciting time


Unfortunately, this is currently more contact, because I can't get around with my friends. But of course I try to keep the distance.


I don't want anything more from her. Neither in a friendship nor in a relationship. For me, that's 100% certain.
Right now I'm only interested in what you think about it. Did i do wrong?


The implementation is not possible because of Corona degrees and when I want to do something with my friends, she is often there.

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