What does a long look in the eyes mean?


I don't want to know if this person likes me now. I just want to know what went through your head, what your opinion is!

Okay it started in an S-Bahn. I sat (m) and (f) sat opposite. Looking diligently at the Netflix, I noticed looks and replied. In the beginning, the eyes did not meet for seconds. But then it happened she looked at me, just like me. However, it was not a short exchange, it is difficult to describe, time slowed down, everything became quiet… Then I turned away. Extremely strange feeling, but a great feeling. My passenger across from me turned away as well.

Then she closed her eyes, you could see that she took a little look through her eyelids every now and then. From time to time she laughed as if there was a joke. It really confused me. The real reason for the question.

After she kept her eyes closed for about 2 minutes, in the middle (about 1 minute) she glanced out of the window. When she opened her eyes she gave me another look and got up and started on her way.

That was the story haha, I know that most of them didn't study psychology or anything. But just give your opinion would be cool!


She thinks you're ridiculous


I think she thought it was strange and had to. Sorting her thoughts briefly and therefore closed her eyes and then laughed because she might. Strange thought.