Slight burning eyes or dry eyes and tear fluid while gaming?


I have an XBOX One X and when I start to gamble I notice a slight burning sensation in the eyes (sometimes dry, even slight pain) and suddenly I have tears in my eyes.

This is very uncomfortable for me and I lose fun playing. I also experimented again with the picture settings of my 4K TV but no setting made it better for my eyes. I only have this problem when gaming.

Strangely, when I watch series on Netflix, I don't have these problems.

I had never had anything like this before, but I had lately.

I also thought about going to the ophthalmologist but he would declare me crazy if I explained all of this to him.

Could you possibly help me would be grateful for any help wholeheartedly!


Maybe you blink too little and your eyes and therefore very dry? → eye drops

Maybe you have hay fever or a house dust allergy that is only now coming to light? → Allergy test

Otherwise, take more breaks while gaming, as the eyes are probably strained.


I have the same problem and no idea…


Your eyes dry out because you blink too rarely.

Try blinking more often, taking turns looking into the distance and nearby.

That should help.


I blink a lot and look somewhere else but that's not it.


Do you play games that are rather bright? It is presumably tiring for the eyes to constantly look at the bright screen.


No, I adjusted the brightness on my TV.

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