Eyes hurt what to do?


I have had eye pain since yesterday, yesterday it was both of them and today only the left one has a much better sea power (I have glasses but never put them on). It feels like the eye is big or something big is in there under the eye it hurts but doesn't really burn, I don't know why it hurts. I think it's dry, or overexciting, or maybe both. Could anyone tell me what it is and maybe give tips on how it heals again or I can rest it? (Eye hurts all the time) Was outside all day today to protect it

And one more question: Can I put on the glasses while gambling without putting too much strain on the eye because the glasses actually do that or help the eye to see? It's pretty boring without gambling or Netflix or whatever.

Maybe still good to know I had the whole thing half a year ago because they were too dry.


You should use this to visit an emergency doctor immediately. Even if in the best case there's a harmless explanation, acute pain in the eye is not to be trifled with. Under no circumstances should you strain your eyes with gambling or similar things, but you probably know that yourself. Get well soon


An emergency doctor immediately, why?


Because a serious illness can't be ruled out and you only have two eyes that should last a lifetime.