Eyes red after gamble?


Hello guys I have a really stupid question: I have two red lines on both eyes (on both eyes). Because of that the quarantine is sleep and gamble / netflix etc only. My sleep rhythm unfortunately has to go to sleep around 6-7 to 15-16 o'clock. Then I hang the rest of the time only in the bathroom and in front of the screen. Will it be because my eyes have two red lines on both eyes?


And I know I'm stupid

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Still has not answered my question


This is normal when you watch TV for a long time or on the PC you get red eyes. Because the eyes are irritated by the light and the effort and broken. The eyes have to rest because they were active all the time. That is normal. That goes away again.


Thank you👍🏻


That is answered, even by yourself, but you do not notice it because you are stupid as you write yourself.


You know why your eyes look like this, then look for another hobby, there's even more what can be done in the current situation.




Thanks in advance and I know that I'm stupid

That is an advantage if you see it that way yourself. There's something else than playing through the night. Perhaps you will take the time to study what will bring you further and you will get a healthy sleep rhythm even if you go to bed at times.


You are so stupid that you forget to blink your eyes even while gaming. That is the most common mistake that the stupid make in front of the PC.
The eye is cleaned and cooled with every blink of the eye. Instead of 20-30 eyelids per minute, you're guaranteed not to do more than 2-5 per minute.
Now I'm sure that you are not so stupid that you can't imagine the consequences yourself, they are getting too warm and dirty and red.
Play with the awareness of blinking more than if there was a pretty woman in front of you.


How about looking at the beautiful pictures of van Dyck?