Eyes hurt terribly?


I get straight to the point, I have a terrible cell phone consumption and I'm so addicted that I can sometimes not stop and spend more than 6-10 hours on the cell phone. I get up, go to the cell phone, watch YouTube, Netflix, surf and play games until late at night.

Since this has been my daily routine for years, my eyes started to hurt and see less well. It is now so bad that my eyes pound and press as soon as I look at the phone and I see something blurry. For example, I can no longer read an approximately 7cm thick font at a distance of 10-15cm.

I have been to the ophthalmologist several times, but they keep telling me that everything is ok with my eyes?! I got eye drops, but they really didn't do much. I'll try another ophthalmologist in a few weeks, because I'm I'm sure I need glasses😪

It all sounds really sad, but of course I still have a life, go out and play sports and meet up with my friends, so don't think I'm just messing around

Do you know if that can cause serious damage? How do you lose your eyesight? (I found out about it, but you can read something else everywhere) Do I really need glasses and do you have any tips and tricks on how I can reduce my consumption or improve my eyes a bit?


Your eyes try to adjust with all their might. You only have to see clearly at a short distance and that is best clear. They hardly have great training of the eye muscles for near and far vision.

You are certainly not alone in this. You will soon need glasses.

If your eyes are still young and you take a break of a few weeks or months, it may be that you can no longer see through the glasses because your eyes have recovered and are seeing normally again.

The pain indicates that your eyes are in constant stress. You protest like this.

You can listen to them or ignore them. Not listening to them just means eye damage and what's behind it. Expressed in a simple way


Thank you very much! Really great summarized and explained. You could definitely help me.


I've had a similar problem since I started the digital world. When I was young I could read about the bonnet at the traffic lights where the car came from. Not the F for Frankfurt - but the city of Frankfurt - In an eye test, the doctor said I should start with the bottom line. I read Made in Germany. The doc had to go.

Today I don't even recognize a bee's egg in the honeycomb without glasses, light or magnifying glass. The glasses are only for close-up at the Läppi I can see over them. I keep taking breaks. But the eyes are calling. And they get worse. I know that and I see it. I know why, it's my fault And it is clear to me at my age that there's not much that can be done. Just hesitate