Remove block ignore stories or keep watching stories?


I haven't had any contact with one of my closest friends for a while now. We have clarified this between us but still haven't met because nothing came from my side. She has contact with a friend with whom I don't want to have anything to do, so I wasn't sure about our friendship. I just asked her about her Netflix account and she opened the message 5 hours ago but didn't reply. I can imagine that they made fun of me, the one with whom I don't want to have anything to do. It hurt me a little bit, but so many things happened that I was still unsure after the reconciliation and because she is in contact with one but now I'm sure that I don't need it anymore. But I don't know if I should block it now, even though it somehow comes across as if it hurt me badly and somehow also childish. She posted something earlier that I haven't looked at yet. I don't know if I should remove it or just leave it and watch stories because it's all childish? I need people like that in my life who only make me feel bad. I keep away from something like this now. I will probably see her more often, so I would say hot but also not more.

What would you do?


Don't watch their stories anymore but don't block them that's childish


Blocking is silly especially for such reasons.