Should I just meet with him in secret?

- in Movies

I (17 in a few weeks) would like to meet tomorrow with a boy (18) whom I recently met. About him: He studies, comes from a very good family, I know some of his friends and he lives about 15 minutes by car from me. He is very mature for his age. He has also not made any sexual suggestions, etc. (e.g. Showering without me, but unfortunately watching netflix without chilling, etc.).

It would be our first meeting. I would like to go to him and he has also offered to pick me up by car. We would then watch a film with him and just chill and go for a walk, just to get to know each other better because, in his opinion, it is better to meet in person than just write on social media. However, my mother is not enthusiastic about it and wants him to come to me first and introduce himself. He has already asked if he should come to me, but I don't want that at the first meeting, because my mother is very embarrassed and curious in such situations and uncomfortable situations always arise. However, I'm only allowed to meet him when he comes, otherwise she forbids me. Should I just say I'm doing something with a friend and let him pick me up and go to him in secret? Or do you know reasons that could convince my mother that I'm allowed to see him?


I already had the experience and secretly made the first meetings with my first real friend. I can tell you your parents won't be more interested in him when this comes out. I would really just bring it with me and ask my mom to limit herself to the bare minimum. Even if it is a bit embarrassing, parents still have something to say and if they are satisfied and make a good impression, then you may be able to do more alone faster! He also knows embarrassing parents and if that should put him off, then he's no good either!