Boy interested in me make?


I had a "fight" with a very good friend of mine. So I told him that I would come by shortly so we can sort it out. So I'm just over and then I see him and my former best friend (we used to be bff, then we drifted apart a bit, but we settled everything between us again) sitting on the sofa watching netflix and eating cookies. I felt really stupid that I was standing there all of a sudden and wanted to sort it out with him seriously and he didn't tell me that he was visiting. And when I stood there all of a sudden she grinned at me really stupidly, so gleefully because with us it was always the case that the guys always liked me more than them and that's why she was always a bit jealous of me and jz it just like that I was quarreling with a little bit and more like below and they were so "number 1" (the two weren't really so good with each other anymore, so I was mega baffled when I saw them both sitting there and somehow came up the situation is clear) so I know from her that she is really into him but with him I thought that he would rather not want anything from her. In any case, I just like him a bit and he was always into me and I always felt honored and I was always the only one for him and so but now he meets at once others and I "want" that he is into me again. I don't know how I can make him interested in me again and just want something from me, so how do I have to behave or what should I do?

(So between us it was always so that he often wanted to smooch with me, but I tended not and then always tended to block, so we kissed a few times, but rather not like that and when it was then it was more likely from him)

should I jump in on it and join in or should I make myself "inaccessible" so that his hunting instinct is aroused haha or should I do more with him and, for example, go to parties (and then maybe me too look around for others maybe make him jealous?) where my former bff jz is sometimes because she was invited by him to come with him (otherwise I go almost every week, it might be better that I don't always go there, that he stop also sees that I'm not always "there") or what should I do?

So I want a little something from him, but I just want to be the "only one" for him again

ps. The meeting between the two felt as if I shouldn't know because neither of them told me anything about it and they were also very surprised to see me

thanks jz in advance and sry for the long text but i know and what to do


The moment I saw the two of them together, I would have left again. Obviously he has no time and the conversation then has to wait. I wouldn't make a fool of myself and stay or insist on the conversation. What did you do?

He's interested in the girls he's interested in. If you stand upside down for him, it doesn't have to be a guarantee that he will want you too. This is kindergarten! So if he prefers your girlfriend, then so be it.

Then turn to other guys and get to know them. Then you can fall in love all over again - with someone for whom you don't have to bend over. 😉