Girlfriend is coming for the first time, how can I explain that to her?


I'm 15 years old

at half past two my girlfriend comes for the first time.

Hopefully my mother will not disturb us, we're in the living room and watching on the ps4 netflix. Only she wants to see my room and because we have moved recently, I have to share it with my little sister (9), it's just quite embarrassing for me the half is with toys and lego postern and no matter what she says it will me mega be uncomfortable. Is there a good excuse why that is? I always want to be honest but it is embarrassing to me. Lg


What do you need an excuse for?
That she can't see your room because?

Just tell her the truth, if it bothers her it's her fault, not yours.


Stay true, because a falsehood can collapse quickly.


If she likes you she does not care where the problem is you can't do anything about it and that should not stand in the way of your friendship