How to prevent spam emails?


I often get spam emails (they're fraudsters) allegedly from Netflix or Paypal or allegedly they have naked pictures of me or whatever. I don't go to the links that you send me, but the presence of these emails and getting them again and again is annoying after a while. How can I prevent this?


You add the sender to the spam list


I did, but there's always something new, so new addresses.


Simply added again


Most spam emails should be filtered out by the provider. Some slip through anyway. At best, you can mark them (in the web interface) as spam.


Are probably somewhere on an e-mail list for advertising. The only thing that helps is a new email. I have over 10'000 spam mails xD on my old hotmail


Do not subscribe to newsletters.

Do not participate in any competitions.

Order little online.

Under no circumstances answer or open such emails or click on anything.

Possibly. Change the email address.


Your email address was fished somewhere and then sold (to several) customers.

In no case react to it! - Otherwise these scammers will try to wear you down. - That would be very annoying.

I've seen the same thing. Just pretended to be dead.
After about 1.5 years it fell asleep.
If you don't have the nerve for that, give up this email address and get a new one.