Funny emails write to me?

- in Free

I looked in my spam folder today and noticed that for several months now I have received various strange email addresses (numbers and letters) which are very similar but send me things where, for example, there are 500 euro amazon vouchers on the left, 1 year free netflix voucher when I click on the link, which are very dubious. And also an email address asking me in Dutch why I'm not writing back to you?

Could it be that they want to hack me and wait for me to fall for a link?


Yes, the emails are fake, please don't fall for it. No reputable company would use such addresses.


Don't click on the links in the mails to unsubscribe.

Because exactly then you give an answer and they send even more.

The best thing is to make a new address


The world does not just give you what these are phishing mails or mails with malware integrated better you have not opened them and have not given any data or clicked on links


Could there be viruses or something inside that is best not to open


Your email was probably in a data break (check with Firefox Monitor or Haveibeenpwnd; if you are unlucky your passwords are included) …

or you have fallen victim to phishing.