I have an iPhone X (without a jailbreak) which is actually not a virus, but something is still wrong.
For a few days now, someone has apparently either had access to my cell phone or my email account. First, Ebay wrote me a few times emails "Reset password", "Your password was reset successfully" etc. And again and again as if someone would change my password several times. But I still get into my eBay account (which I never used, let alone used). Yesterday the same with my Netflix account. Someone tried to change my Netflix password (I wonder why), but I still get in. And I just discovered mail again that someone wanted to change my EA account (Playstation).
All these emails have also been opened and the change in password is always reported as successful according to my emails, but as I said, I still get in there with my old passwords. The last thing I received from eBay was an email saying that they blocked my account because they are using up something that someone else has access to. Stays in America and Egypt are displayed there. I've always lived in Germany.
It has already been tried with Instagram, but it looked rather in vain.
I just changed my password at my mail provider via the computer at work.
My bank apps and also e.g. Klarna are all with Face ID registration. Maybe that's why I haven't noticed anything unusual.
Does anyone know your way around and can tell me how best to proceed? Does anyone have access to my cell phone or only to my mail account? And the most important question: Do I have to reset my cell phone to the factory settings?
If so, can I back up all my old data with a backup or is there a risk of pulling back the existing malicious software (or whatever)?
Do you have the same password with the same email address for all your accounts?
That sounds more like access to your mail account. Changing the password from this was the right step! Do you still get such emails or no more?
And always use secure passwords! And never the same!
Well, not one and the same password, but I have distributed 3-4 different passwords on all possible accounts. But the email address is always the same.
First of all, "viruses" are very possible on iOS. They're just not very common because Apple has built high hurdles.
What you are describing sounds like phishing. Someone is sending you emails to panic and entice you to look into your accounts for those emails.
Ignore messages from unknown senders and delete them unopened.
Change the passwords of your accounts at irregular intervals.
So, it is quite possible that someone has tried to log in with your emails. May well have been a bot that used your email address and randomly tries to log in on any site with standard passwords or random passwords.
The second would be that someone has snatched your email address and is trying to get into your accounts. (He can get your email address as soon as you send him an email.) For many people, too many log-in attempts automatically result in an email with a password being forgotten, and that someone has hacked your iPhone is therefore unlikely, do not reset first.
However, what you should absolutely do (as stupid as it is) to change your passwords correctly once again and check the accounts again to see whether something has not been changed (e.g. EBay: address, bank details, name, etc.). If this is the case, try to report the account somehow or, in the worst case, request the deletion of your account.
A second important aspect would be to create multiple emails so that you can delimit what is affected.
E.g.: an email for games like Steam, EA, Origin etc. An email for banking, transfers etc. An email for purchases like Amazon, eBay, Zalando etc.
It sounds a bit strange but nobody can tell on which pages you are logged in everywhere because not one email manages everything, but several are needed. So you can e.g. Detect fake emails when someone sends you a password reset email from Amazon to your game email address. Can you create free emails at gmx or t-online etc.
Hope helped you
If possible attackers have access to your email account, they can use the "Recover password" or "Forgot password" function to get into your other accounts.
I just saw that they had foxed into my Amazon account (changed their email address, changed their password, but apparently set it so that I wasn't thrown out). No order has been placed yet. But I have already informed my bank of my situation if he tries to order something by direct debit. How can I get full sole access to my Amazon account again? Can't change the email address without a current password.
Then it becomes difficult, do not know whether there's such a setting or something, or whether you can store your cell phone number and maybe do it then, I'm not familiar with Amazon and its verification options. Otherwise you can also call Amazon, maybe they can help you or change your email address over the phone if necessary.