I have been receiving spam mail for 3 days?

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I have been getting spam mails every day since August 11th, what should I do? E.g. Casino free chance, you won Netflix 200 euro voucher.


You can have them automatically moved to the spam directory.


Usually you can unsubscribe because you have been added to any newsletter directory without permission. Otherwise, if the SPAM filter of your e-mail provider does something, mark them as such.


Are you already


No, but these are phishing mails that are written there and are being sent to spam


I haven't had any problems clicking log out so far.


You can't do more.

If you answer, they know that the mails are being read and you only get more spam.

Unsubscribing only brings something with halfway reputable companies with others you worsen the flood of spam - because "unsubscribing" is synonymous with "reselling to other dubious companies".


If you have already deleted it, it could be that when I click on unsubscribe you will know exactly that this email is active.


You get SPAM mail regardless of whether it is active or not. The mails are removed from lists. There's no check whether it is active or not.


I just looked at it, didn't click anywhere and where did they get my email from?


Blocking is often difficult, as the senders usually always change.

You can use a client and an email provider with a spam filter. Sensible ones learn along with this and thus prevent future spam mails.


Click on unsubscribe. If you still get emails afterwards, you can - if you can afford it - take civil action against it. GDPR violations offer a very good return on investment.


Can't I'm 12 …


And probably that's unsubricbe so that I get more mails so to speak that I verify my mail for the fraudsters.