What can you do to become more open in school?


I (w 15) am always very shy in school (10th grade) and with some classmates I almost only react annoyed because they only annoy me anyway. I often try to imagine that I'm at school in my hobby (because in my hobby of judo, I'm completely different, completely open and a little more popular than at school). Also with friends, I'm very open and can talk about anything, but at school I'm the complete opposite and am always afraid of doing something wrong and that I will become a laughing stock.

So my question, how do I manage to be more open and that I can talk better to other classmates. I often ask questions (e.g. How the weekend / vacation were), but after answering the question, the conversation is over quickly, even if I answer it, e.g. If the person answered "Netflix", then I ask which series, but the conversation is over quickly anyway. I always think it's stupid to go along and what's also nice is that they often talk to each other in pairs and then I screwed up completely.

How do I become more open at school and how do I stop chasing classmates and still make friends?

I would like to have fun at school for the last six months 😅 because I'm already 5½ years from school (not counting primary school)


First of all, I think it's great how you try to make friends with others despite your shyness and the attempts so far don't sound bad at all. I would simply recommend that you continue to work on your charisma and your small talk, so you usually automatically become more self-confident.

There are many videos on YouTube that explain how to have interesting small talk, how to overcome shyness, etc… So, just take a look.

Your current point in time will also benefit you: you will only be in class for half a year. On the one hand, the time pressure could motivate you to be more open. On the other hand, you can try a lot because you won't see the others in half a year (except those you want to be friends with). So don't be afraid to say something "strange". The most important thing is that you don't focus too much on any conversation techniques, but also just be yourself. Personally, I like people straight away if they address me in a friendly manner and tell something (doesn't have to be phenomenal) - so even trying to communicate makes a good impression.