My life is so boring, what should I do?


My closest friends are already taken, but not me. I just bum all day, I used to do sports.

My life consists only of going to work, coming home, eating and so standard things.

I don't really have the feeling that the current situation worldwide makes it better.

My life seems so mega senseless to me, apart from drinking beer and playing games or watching Netflix, I can't think of anything…

Feel socially isolated.


Tried often enough… In my case pointless


Okey a shame, hope you find who


I think you just have to try it 🙂 set goals, for example I haven't been to school for a long time for certain reasons, now I have problems talking to girls in public all the time and more…

I ordered dumbbells and work out at home.

Produce yt videos, sleep etc.

You can't do much at the moment, but you just have to know what you want and what you need to do it


A lot of people have this "social" problem, so you are not alone.
Does it seem that slowly you are experiencing "loneliness".
That's the aftertaste of something like that. The only thing that helps is doing something with friends and especially looking for new ones.
Because loneliness is in no way good, but the complete opposite. This can lead to psychological problems.
But that has become normal in our time, there are more and more people who are pushing for it. I'm also affected and the corona in particular reinforces it.
So, like I said, do something more with your friends. And above all, find new acquaintances, the feeling of loneliness can also be covered by internet friendships.
And above all, what could help is not always the same. If you always take the same route to work, change it.
Do you drink beer, change it and drink something else. And the same goes for Netflix and gaming.
You said you used to do sports, start again. Or find yourself a hobby apart. There are so many things.



Here is the link to a list of +66 things to do when you're bored with coronavirus.

Have fun trying

With greetings from The Tenth Man from Omeath


Behavior analyst


If you don't have a girlfriend and if you absolutely need a girlfriend, you can't make friends because you are looking for a woman and not friends…

I feel the same way, I have no friends and never had a girlfriend. Now I'm chilling my life all by myself.


My favorite rapper was Jayz, so I flew to England for the concerts. Such a soft spot makes sense, although the content may not be that much.


But you also come through "new" friends to a "girlfriend".
It just depends on how you see it.
And if you don't go on the offensive yourself, then nothing will really change.


Yes, but it is difficult to make friends in such a situation. But it's true that it can help.


That is no excuse. There are also plenty of options on the Internet.