Not to use such women?


After countless relationships and affairs, I found or recognized something for myself.

I'm 24 and have had over 20 different partners / affairs. I don't want to show off or anything else, but share my experience from this for my old large number.

I would be interested to know if someone else has also experienced it this way or has gained this knowledge:

women who live a diverse life are in no way suitable for a long-term relationship.
If a woman has to write high school exams, then goes on vacation, has already planned the trip afterwards, currently every weekend goes to women's evenings in addition to riding and volleyball, and so on, then she is not suitable for a long-term relationship.

Why? Because the man is the smallest variable in her life. She has enough important things to do in life.

I had already met some of these women, smooched and made out with them and afterwards they said "you don't think it fits."

however, I had the best dates and longest relationships with "boring women".
If a woman only goes to the gym next to her high school diploma and likes to spend her time in front of Netflix in the evening, she is very good for a long-term relationship, because in that case the man is one of the biggest variables in her life.

has anyone of you had this experience?

again briefly:

modern women who have their busy schedules are not suitable for long-term relationships, but "boring classic" women are.


You should be aware that this game always works in both directions and that it is about what BOTH partners want in the relationship.

You could also say that men who are too busy are not good partners for women or the like.

For example, it is also important to me that my girlfriend has time for me and I think very few people want to be the smallest variable in a relationship, but if both are enough, for example, to see each other only a few days or so it is completely okay. I personally don't like couples that stick to each other all the time. I mean you are still your own person with your own interests.


Follow and be followed. If you do not want to be part of her life and do not want to enjoy her space with her, and you only want to bring your space in her, you have consequently understood that everyone is next to themselves and that you can't replace what is important to her is.

Basically, it is a good sign not to need the other to share yourself, to be enough to spend more than enough for others.

But as you give yourself, you can combine very well with things that you are not. In the event that you rave about each other's life as your life, you rave about each other in experience, even if you only see and talk for 5 minutes a day, but share one another with the strength of your own thinking.

And then you probably don't want to miss the opportunity to become a partner in this adventure.

But you don't want to change. You want to put your stamp somewhere that you want to be valuable to others, instead of enriching others with your value, expanding their values based on their understanding of which you love.

Otherwise, if you can't love their decisions without you with yourself, how should you be able to love decisions without yourself for others?

Devotion is the key. In his, don't be a disabled person who wants to be pushed around by the values of others, as with a caregiver, if you didn't have to need to be healthy here for everything.


Why? Because the man is the smallest variable in her life. She has enough important things to do in life.

No. It is not wrong to have a life and to do things that make you happy. The only thing that ultimately matters is whether we're and were happy. You can do that with and without a partner.

When you find your love, you arrange yourself, put your own needs back. The partner gets more and more priority, you still live side by side, but live together.

I think you don't know about love.


Not really… I did the opposite. My wife was a student, a LARP player out of passion, regularly in the disco, at the same time politically very active, active in sports and volunteering at the Red Cross as a medic, where she also had to regularly go to parties or football games, i.e. A modern woman… We have been together for 15 years.

My partner owns her own hairdressing salon, at that time owned a season ticket from the local football club (luckily she doesn't go to the Chaos club games anymore), played Badmington twice a week and went to the gym once a week… So also a modern woman… She has been part of our relationship for 7 years.

My shortest relationship was with a "boring classic" woman, it only went well a year before we broke up because she just couldn't keep up with me. It was just too much to be on the move regularly and to plan the day pretty well, for them it was completely overwhelmed, e.g. Not having a TV and going to the cinema for it and not strolling around on the couch in the evening but doing something and enjoying culture and education. I have to say that I never want such a woman as a relationship partner again.


Depends very much on yourself. In principle, I agree with you. If you never have time for your partner, it would not be a nice relationship, at least for ME. I had always spent quite a bit of time with my girlfriend.