Opinion to all w & m: How would you react as new friends, recently met, when I say 22 that I have not had any real friends for 6 years?

- in Movies

They want, for example, Get to know me better and would like to know what I had done so far in recent years, etc. Or exciting. Suppose I had just made new friends and would then tell you that I had 6 years no friends and fun, always home was unwanted & no memorable moments (nothing in the outside world) experienced, such as. I have never been to clubs, parties, birthdays, open air, concerts, holidays etc. With friends never been there. Also smoked and alc. Never tried it out properly and I often cried because I was always spanked by former friends and betrayed me. Likewise, I've missed everything in the last couple of years, did not do anything big, did not go to a party. I may have stayed behind at the age of 17, because from then on, my depression has really started and since then, I have always been thinking of taking revenge on my ex-boyfriends. Never kissed, sex / girlfriend. I'm interested in wrestling, music, hip hop, rap, movies, actors, Netflix. Have no idea of the outside world, social life, politics, cars, insurance, tax, etc. Have problems with concentration, social phobia, socially lagged behind, have a say, reading comprehension, long time no longer read book. Only now start with you real fun on by my new friends as an example. I'm shy, boring and mostly ignorant in life, have to make up for everything and visited therapies for 1 1/2 years.

Imagine you had recently met such a guy (person, whether he / she), a buddy recently and he / she would confess you from this hell & agony, how would you react to that? How would you as a friend / woman of a dating app have responded: Had you made your escape and not hit me after I have revealed all this?

It's really a serious question, so do not be weird because soon I'm going to get to know some women from dating app at about my age, even younger than me 3-4 years & this week I'll meet with one, even from the same culture, in case it should not come to the relationship, if even if friendship is possible. What is your reaction? It always means that when jmd talks about his problems at the first introductory phase, one is immediately regarded as a boring couch potato, because the one has mental problems and immediately leaves the dust, how do you see that from your point of view?

* continue to stand by (was misspelled) sry.


The explanation is simple: because I felt the same way.

But I would not mention it immediately for those who do not know it. My friends did not think it was bad. Real friends finally witness understanding


I think everyone needs friends, you can't stand it without friends, I felt the same way as you. Besides, I was very sensitive in the time. Now it does not bother me anymore, I have friends and now I can easily beat up the other who annoys me z. B. Müllkind says and throws garbage on my head, without it hurt me very much.

In any case, friends are also needed for harmony, livelihood, and to become stronger. Even with such a resume as yours, I would just hold my face and stay with you no matter what the others say. Irgentwer has to take the first positive step


Z. B. I get to know a woman through Dating App & meet with her and say something like that, if she had possibly stayed, as a good buddy?


Ne. She does not want to find friends but a partner


I'm completely boring, shy outwardly, inwardly and when I'm alone aggressive, impulsive and hyperactive and have not experienced anything in the outside world. I'm unintentionally home alone for years and must call myself a stool, because nobody appreciates me as a person and does not give me the necessary respect. Would you still be supporting someone like me?