Hilfe What is wrong with me?


I know that the question is not quite appropriate but I had to write something down. So at the beginning I'm w / 15 and actually that's not a question but I just wanted to get rid of it because I have no one to talk to about my feelings. Lately I just don't know what's going on with me, and I've recently had extreme self-doubt, problems with concentration and motivation. Since I'm currently homeschooling, I sit at home all day (and usually only gamble or watch netflix). Actually, I should do something for school every day, but I just can't get it done. I always sit there for 5 minutes and then don't feel like it more or get distracted by something. I always say to my mother that I did everything. In addition, I have only met with a friend once in the past few weeks and otherwise I only write with my friends when I want to know something for school.

I have also had anxiety disorders for several days (especially in the evening) (for example, I lie in bed in the evening and when I hear only the slightest sound I cramp together and am like "frozen"), I often watch netflix or Youtube in the evening for a long time because I do somehow afraid to fall asleep. Sometimes I also watch mystery videos (of unresolved cases and assumptions and such) I used to really like that, but recently I have had problems falling asleep after the videos (such as right now), so I usually just leave something on netflix run because I'm afraid it's quiet In addition, I often have extreme howling cramps in the evening.

I have also recently had extreme self-doubts (i.e. I used to like my body very much, but when I look in the mirror I find myself ugly) and hate my brain for not being able to get it all right.

So overall I just feel empty and I just don't know what to do. I know that probably nobody will read this completely because it is really long, but I just wanted to get rid of it because I don't know who to talk to because I don't want the people around me to behave differently towards me (I would have probably written a lot more, but there are not so many characters left). By the way, I'm sorry about the many spelling mistakes, but I just wrote down my feelings and did not pay careful attention to them. Ps: my father also suffers from depression and I have also considered whether I might have inherited the tendency to depression from him. Pps: Incidentally, everything has been like this for a long time because it came across as if it were only a few days or so (but most of it has been like this for months)


This is probably just a phase. You are in puberty, other pubescent teenagers feel the same way. Regarding self-doubt, don't stress yourself too much and if you don't like something with your body, you can do it. To change?


So I read it, yes. It was similar to me in the past (I know these problems of falling asleep too well, I almost got a heart attack when a hallway creaked), I also had motivation problems with school (now finally over, I put my high school diploma in the sand, but no matter) and so strong that I could hardly ever do any homework. All this self-doubt… I know all of this.
I know that wasn't the right answer now, but there wasn't a right question either.
PS: Keep writing here in the comments, I'm interested in something like that. I'm actually only on Girlfriend to read someday from someone who is similar to me.


What you are describing are the early stages of anxiety disorders and depression. It can only get better if you honestly talk to your parents about it and go to a specialist. It can get worse if you try to ignore all of this and try to persevere on your own. So as I said, they are not faults but warning signals that you have to take seriously and that you should work against them with the help!


I feel the same at the moment, I have no knowledge or anything. But I think this is only a phase for you☹️ This also goes with the time.


I agree with you! I've been doing this for 2 years and it's getting worse every year, but I don't really want to go to a doctor now 😖 But I hope that they can get help 🍀


It may well be that you are in a phase. The hormones go crazy in old age and there's also the situation with social distancing because of Corona. Have you tried meditation or exercise? If not, I would definitely give it a try. If you really want to look at something before sleep, look at something funny that makes you laugh and take a glass of warm milk.


I would also like to talk to my parents about it, but I have already tried it and I can't make it in the end it always ends with me crying and can't say a word anymore. And I've tried to talk to my friends like that, but they didn't even get it.


So I've tried sport (and that doesn't help) but maybe I'll try it with yoga. 👍

In addition, I usually watch funny series in the evenings, but as soon as I switch my laptop off, I automatically think of the things that scare me because I try not to think about it.


You can do it already🍀 For me it was very difficult to talk about it at the beginning, but believe me someday you will regret it.


You can write a letter exactly what you wrote here and give it to your parents!


First of all thank you for reading this all the way through (and of course for the others too) I didn't think so many would answer. I'm kind of relieved that I'm not the only one. I have been taking iron tablets daily since last week because my parents suspect that my difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation and that I feel very weak due to an iron deficiency. From their point of view it has gotten better, but I don't feel anything.


Yes, it may well be that the "quarantine" has made it worse for me, but it was also the case before that that I rarely met (mostly because I just don't feel like going to school anymore). I also see most of my friends at school.

My mother was worried because she thinks I have no friends or anything. And that kind of hurts me because it always pushes me to meet someone and I really feel like it.

Especially because it is actually the opposite and I actually get on really well with most of the school. But my friends are more like the funny, cool one who is always in a good mood although I don't feel that way. 🙂


I also tried to end up tearing and throwing the letter away and I was really convinced that I would make it.


It gets worse for me if I'm only at home, school is a good distraction. I don't really have anyone to talk to, but hopefully at some point we will all be happy again


Yes would be nice


DNn try again.