Betrayed by best friend? No friends anymore?


I'll be right to my question. I currently have a boyfriend whom I met at a party, regardless of my 'normal' friends.

Just before I met him, my ex-boyfriend and I broke up. Since then he tells my friends bad things, lies and rumors about me. He also makes fun of me, that I have a new one 1-2 weeks after the end of our relationship directly. Actually, that would not be my problem. But since I have a rather small circle of friends and I do not understand each other, it bothers me when my "best friend" meets with my ex and my other two good friends who obviously distance themselves from me, block me and ignore.

Actually, I was never really bullied in my life. Sure, something funny was made about me… Only that I'm slowly standing without real friends, sitting at home and watching Netflix is stressful.

For some months I have given up my heart hobby - riding. I have no contact with the circle of friends I have built up over the years.

Nobody seems to care for me, I have the feeling that behind my back, only blaspheming about me. It feels like everyone I'm writing to, feels pressured and does not like me.

Actually, I'm a nice girl, I enjoy life. Since pretty much all friends have distanced themselves from me and I felt without feeling ready, I'm sad.

I think, and I know that nobody really can help me with that. But I would be interested in your opinion?


Start again with your hobby.

That the blasphemy is normal. He could not help himself if he kept thinking about how great you are.

These friends are not. And worth no tear.


Of course, if you have a new one so soon after a breakup, that does not throw much light on you, and talking bad about expartners is also pretty normal, I would not worry about that. They certainly have other things to do than just talking about you.


Since then he tells my friends bad things, lies and rumors about me.

Maybe that's one of the reasons? Do you know what he's saying for things? It may be that he said something about you to your girlfriends, which totally hurt her, even though it's not true. And that's why they distance themselves.

Talk to your best friend and the others 2. Ask me what the problem is and what they suddenly have against you. Possibly. They also feel excluded because you have a new friend who does not belong to the others.

[.] I met independently of my 'normal' friends at a party.

Maybe they feel abandoned or replaced because you've done a lot with them instead of your friends. This happens to many unconsciously when they are in love. You do not even notice it, but it's always about the friend and the old circle of friends is neglected.

As I said, talking always helps. You will not get around that, if you want to know what's going on.

All the best!


Come on what you have to tell the others

Do not worry so much

There are many bad people and experiences, that brings life with experience

See it as a chance to start again- Here separates the wheat from the chaff

I assume that you are still relatively young

Look for other hobbies, club, read books, do sports, go swimming… There's a lot and do not waste your life energy with pondering and asking why about others

Boats you new, you often have to face new challenges in life. Learn to deal with yourself alone and to satisfy, because that is part of the maturing process

New club = new friends

Short = interests equal etc.


Why did you stop riding?


Unfortunately, my career in recent months has been more of a failure. For a short time, I had my own horse, which unfortunately I could not handle - sold. After that a riding participation. Since we had violent quarrel with the owner. Ceased, because no more nerves for dispute, etc, and shortly afterwards the hand broke - since no longer sat on the horse. Whether I can start again depends on my parents who finance everything. 😬


Oje I hope for you that you can ride again. That always gives me so much power