First time LSD: Who am I? What's the meaning of life?

- in Free

Yesterday I (male, 18) consumed LSD for the first time. At first I was out and really enjoyed the trip, but at some point I'm at home in my room and have first watched with my brother Netflix. When he went to bed, I was on my own.

I heard music in the beginning, but it had a stinging in my chest the whole time, which was sometimes uncomfortable, but sometimes pleasant. I tried to sleep, but that's almost impossible on such a trip. So all the time I've been thinking about life and myself, and I'm totally desperate. I have been thinking about decisions that I have made (bad) and that I have few real friends except one, but he does not live in Germany and I hardly see him and only write with him. It's extremely hard for me to find real friends because I'm extremely picky. Although I have many acquaintances, but to which I quasi broke the contact, because usually only drink and celebrate, which I liked a last long, but not now. So I realize that I'm alone.

I thought a lot about why you live and why we make life so complicated. I thought about what it's like when you're dead - whether the soul lives on or not. I'm actually an atheist, but somehow I could not imagine, at some point, not being there anymore… In the negative, though, because I do not want to live forever. I basically want the whole thing to end sometime and I'm free. I would not even say that I'm / was depressed, but simply that I do not feel like living this exhausting life.

Especially here in Germany I just do not like it because I do not like the mentality of the people somehow. I've been in Australia for a while and that's when I felt a lot more understood by other people and was able to make friendships a lot easier… I just felt a lot closer to people there. Here are many people in my opinion, just very uneducated and not really nice to each other.

I really do not know what I should do. I'm not even depressed or anything, but I'm just baffled, why I live at all and really have no desire to endure this complicated life. Do you have tips for me, what should I do? Is this a case for a psychologist / psychiatrist?


These thousands of thoughts that went through your mind after LSD consumption have triggered many other psychoses and perceptual disorders, so they were on a permanent trip.

Let the drugs out of your head. If you are bored, then look for a volunteer and help others. That would be a meaningful activity that opens your eyes to existentially important things and benefits society and ultimately your personality development.


What's the meaning of life?

My opinion on the meaning:

You can do meaningful, z. For example, helping people, being there for others, working for the environment or donating money. I sit down for example. For fair trade.

I'm christ. Many people believe that God makes sense of life. God loves you. If you want to know some things, which convinces me that there's God, then you can me z.b. Questions or go to my profile.


Let me guess: never taken drugs or busy with the topic, especially lsd?


What is there for honorary offices?


Not correct. That's nothing, whose sound knowledge you have to be proud of.


Help in sports club, nursing home, school care, at the fire department, at the THW, at the Johannitern, …


Well then tell me. You do not awaken the impression of drug lsd and psyche with me…

By bringing such things out of the subconscious you can process them decently because that does not seem to have happened yet. And that's just positive for the psyche. So please do not tell nonsense.


It's not about help with drugs, but without. Respect that I do not support the use of drugs here. My experiences do not matter. You get here on Nebenschauplätze.


It is certainly not the purpose of life to purposely damage one's body with questionable substances.

You use your skills to make a living. In addition, one may then still worry about why questions and discuss them with others.


Questionable substances that have been consumed for millennia.
(Not LSD, that's still pretty new… But mushrooms, DMT, Ayahuasca etc)

Incidentally, the term "damaging" has meanwhile been scientifically refuted.
Psychedelics have the least addiction / damage potential.


Probably. Actually low, if used only in exceptional cases, but who likes it, will stick to it.


Who wants to ride a kite every day?
You have no idea how exhausting that is:-)


Imagine your world view and your understanding of this reality as a house of cards. If there's a bad card in this house of cards… So, in effect, a realization that is not actually compatible with reality, then the house of cards can collapse… And nothing else is a psychosis.

And the trigger for a psychosis can come from anywhere.

Psychoses are often taken as the last powerful argument / bulwark against drugs because all other arguments have already been refuted.

Psychosis is necessary if the operating system in the head is faulty.
Only then can you find and eliminate the mistakes.


And I do not want to experience it myself.


Do you still find betting wine drink questionable? If you are against anything then respect for your opinion, unfortunately most of those who are against certain drugs are more open to others like alcohol then more open minded which is a double standard…


Which is completely okay.
But there are people who are searching, and that's fine.

Will never understand this compulsion, which is always prescribed to other people as they have to act and to think.


I do not want anyone to dictate anything if he / she is an adult. I just want to point that out.


Too bad that you are looking for arguments to downplay drug use and cite any ergoogelten reports or studies as evidence. Do not believe any study that you have not falsified yourself.


Then, from now on, I no longer believe that tobacco smoke causes lung cancer. I do not care if you have several studies ready, "Do not believe in a study that you did not fake yourself."

I would really recommend you to google the term "psychedelic therapy". Every year new studies come out according to which psychedelics can't be the cause of mental problems but their relief. Incidentally, they were very popular with psychologists until they were banned and were already used in therapy.

"Though further evidence is required, psychedelics appear to be well-tolerated."

I think you're just too stuck for something like that.


Honestly, I do not feel like I'm going to intensively deal with drugs because of you now. That brings me zero added value and no one else. Google would rather, what you can do useful things with his life and his health, instead of glorifying drugs.

I have enough experiences. Respect that this me to o.g. Bring opinion. You do not need to try to change my mind. Futile love trouble.