What is the meaning of such a dream?


After a long time I will get in touch again… With the following question, what is the meaning of my dream because I could not find anything on the Internet. I watched the "The Crown" series on Netflix about a month ago. It's about the Royal Family in England. Blah blah blah let's get straight to the point. I was particularly interested in one thing: the life of Princess Margaret (little sister of the Queen). When I started to research about her I came across pictures of her where she was young about 21-22 when I looked at the pictures I immediately had butterflies in my stomach so it was really funny. So I got more involved by having more information about you. Then one day I had dreamed of Margaret like you, my mother, some stranger and I in a wooden hut somewhere in the mountains. Margaret had a conversation with my mother but didn't know what and I was standing next to my mother but didn't say anything. When the conversation was over we said goodbye but I hadn't said a word to her, just raised my hand when I did so, she giggled shyly and watched me all the time. When I wanted to leave the door of the hut she was still looking at me and smiling at me and I was looking at her all the time but I couldn't speak to the stranger. Nevertheless it was really such a nice feeling I mean I can still remember her green dress what she had in a dream etc… When I got up I was so sad when I realized that it was a dream I was really in tears the eyes… Well anyway I would be happy about answers. In the appendix I will post a picture of her where she was young.

What is the meaning of such a dream

Not every dream has the same meaning

You can only ask for the meaning after the runs and pictures have been repeated


Dreams only have meaning if certain elements repeat themselves regularly in your dreams. These are called "dream symbols" and they are metaphors for which there's no generally valid meaning.

To interpret dreams, one must first identify the symbols, find out their subjective meaning for the dreaming person and then interpret them in relation to the scenes and emotions in the dream.

But that doesn't make any sense if you've only dreamed of one thing.

In short, your dream has no meaning at all!


Sounds really funny and also a little bit exciting…

Well, dream interpretation in my experience is such a thing… Because there's something different on each page… (at least felt).

Dreams are subconscious processing.

I would be interested to know why you couldn't address her about the man.

On the other hand: You have some clues… What does mountain mean? Or mountains?

What does green mean?

What does mother mean?

What does stranger mean?

Collect everything and then create context between everything…


It may be because you have dealt with it so much that your subconscious has processed the information collected while sleeping.

So your dream doesn't have to be meaningful.


I think because it was her husband and he was standing next to her