How can I cope with an identity crisis?

- in Movies

With identity crisis, I do not mean that I feel like the opposite sex. I tend to think that I do not know how my personality really is. My personality is usually more dependent on which group of friends I'm currently moving. For example: In my group of friends, who laugh more about English jokes and sayings, I only talk about 50% in English and then with other people, because then I feel too shy to talk to other people. In another, however, I tend to be more open and prefer to talk about my feelings, whereas I usually do not do that with others. So, as you can see, my personality is more dependent on the people around me. But then the question arises, how am I really?

In addition, my desires, dreams, feelings and also some personality characteristics of films or series are defined. I have a lot of examples, but I try to keep the number of examples very low. When I was a child, my career aspirations were guided by series and films. So after I saw Netflix iZombie, I wanted to become a forensic or real estate agent after the SantaClaritaDiet series.

Also, my feelings and views on life and the meaning of life have changed a lot. A big influence here was the series Avatar: Lord of the Elements. This series has changed my life so far. If you do not know this masterpiece, I will briefly summarize the core story: The avatar Aang was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years and thus missed a long war. The purpose or the purpose of the avatar's life is to maintain balance in the world. And so he goes in search of different masters who can teach him to tame the 4 elements so that he can end the war. This series is highly recommended. But after watching the series several times, I've noticed more and more how meaningless my life is and I have no purpose at all.

As you can see, I do not know who I really am. I really want to change that. Do you have any tips or advice on how to find yourself?

P.S. It might also be helpful to say that I'm 15 years old and nobody knows about my emotional problems and frankly, I would prefer it to stay that way.

I'm grateful for all the answers you give me, and if not, that's fine too. I do not know myself whether this platform is suitable for such questions.


You are 15?

Congratulations. You do this through what all the other under-20 (sometimes even older) have done through / have: find yourself.

First of all it is stink normal and part of growing up. It's about the same as with any pubic hair growing in time.

1. Take time to meet you.

2. Take yourself as you are. First of all.

3. Over time you will see which things are important to you and which are not. And what strengthens.

4. It is normal that the "who I'm" is also in constant change later on.

It is also normal that we adapt our behaviors to our environment. Everyone is different and different environments.

A simple way of defining the self is as follows:

You are simply everything of what you have enumerated. So the sum of these parts. You are the one who wanted to have the profession y after the series x and then as he saw series z.hat profession a.

(Of that one can deduce that you could be a flag in the wind.) So influenced from the outside

It is important to get to know each other again and again in life and to learn to deal with changes in oneself.