Cinemas in crisis: Will the theatrical year 2019 be even worse?

- in Movies

The film industry and the cinema operators are in crisis because the audience is missing. In 2018, their number dropped by 15% in Germany compared with the previous year, and even more in other countries. The reasons given are the competition from Netflix & Co., the long summer and the football World Cup.

Do you think that this year is even worse and the downtrend continues? Or can blockbusters like Captain Marvel, Avengers Endgame, Es 2, Joker, Star Wars and others reroute the rudder? Is the problem with the films or the change in your (or your) leisure habits?


I think the cinemas have to reinvent themselves. The simple 2D cinema does not stand a chance against Netflix and Amazon Prime. But 3D and 4D movies can't even produce Netflix. There the cinemas can start. Interactive films also have a future, where cinema viewers can determine the course of the film by voting. Netflix has already started such a pilot project with a Black Mirror film.

Cinemas need to retool and increase the cinematic experience. If you pay dearly for a movie and go to the trouble, then the cinema should offer you something.


The development in the area of home cinema and the streaming services will make it even more difficult for cinemas despite attractive films. I do not think that cinema disappears completely, it comes down to a loss of market share. Sure, there will be niches for the cinema. It depends on the creativity of the operators.


And I do not go to the movies because the movies I want to watch are always in 3D and I'm not in the mood to pay more for inferior entertainment.


But there are no movies on the stream portals. Until Netflix has something like Captain Marvel in the program, the franchise is already over. When they had Thor 3 in the program lately I had to smile, because I had already endgame through. But possible that people generally prefer to sit in a small private circle and consume than in a strange room. Thanks to large screens and more and more 4k material you are more likely to stay at home, especially since access to cinema titles has become increasingly easier via illegal channels.

I'm not going to the cinema because everything comes out only in 3D. In 2D, I go from time to time. Those are the genres that do not really interest me.