My boyfriend hardly ever meets with me?


So my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and everything was perfect for a year and a half, but somehow we haven't met for months. It was always like that at that time his father had forbidden him to go out and he always told me that and he really always wanted to meet. Often in an argument, he came to my door just to hug me. Now he's generally much colder, much meaner, and NEVER meets with me. Once or twice a month maybe at my home and then we do "Netflix and chill", so to speak, but we also cuddle and do nonsense like tickling and some joke. After that we don't meet for weeks. We don't do much on the phone either, if that's because we're just arguing.
Otherwise often after an argument he also says masculine things and is really serious that he wants to make me his wife and loves me more than anything else in the world.

I tell him as often as I want to meet, but then he always tries to finish as I couldn't, I fast, I wasn't allowed, I can only briefly isn't worth it, etc. What can you do so that he finally tries? I know many will say break up, but I can't just break up. I really need some good advice to save something like that and get him to try. If he continues to insult me and doesn't do anything, I have no choice but to break up. He doesn't call me a real woman, liar, disloyal every day

although I'm always honest with him and don't even talk to a boy or write or whatever. I'm so loyal and loyal.

what can I do so that he finally makes an effort. I need the right advice to save the relationship and not break it up straight away.


That sounds more like you should quit. Not because of the frequency of the meetings but because you are constantly arguing and that he insults you is not possible anyway. Doesn't speak for his character. You are sure to find someone better for you there.


If you only meet once or twice a month (!), Then you don't actually need to break up because he has already done it indirectly. He'll probably just keep you warm until he finds someone else.

But I can't just break up

He looks for excuses not to spend time with you, you only meet once or twice a month and he insults you.

What else has to happen in order for you to pull the rip cord?

No he doesn't love you If he did that, you would see each other several times a week.

How old are you?


Unfortunately, I don't see any sensible alternative to separation. He does not want to meet with you, insult you, you just argue. This is not a relationship to build on. Find a nicer guy who cares about you.


Hey The whole thing sounds pretty complicated. The thing is 2 years is a long time since I can understand it very well that you don't want to break up and try to save the relationship. In terms of loyalty just because you meet other boys, that doesn't make you a disloyal person. As long as you don't cheat on him.

What I would recommend you sleep over night go to him (personally) give him an ultimatum. Something that MUST change because you can't sunbathe that way, you're gone.

Of course, if he doesn't open although he's at home or insulting you / nothing changes, all you have to do is break up.

But I have to say really think about it. There are many ways why he is like that. Remember you are human, you don't need to be insulted or assume things to be done.

I know what I'm talking about, through the same.


You cling to an illusion, namely that it will be the same with him as it was at the beginning.

But it won't be because he has already moved too far away from you emotionally. He probably has no balls in his pants to break up straight away and hopes that you will if he behaves roughly towards you.

You should see reality and not believe that this youth is the only one in the world for you! You just make yourself small and offer him a platform to do what he wants with you!

Better end this destructive construct today than tomorrow, even if you don't want to read it! Otherwise you will harm yourself more than you can think of.

All the best.