How should I still enjoy my life?


I leave the house at 6:30 a.m. And come home at 6:30 p.m. At the earliest. I'm in training and work from 8 am to 5 pm and drive 1.5 hours to work. When I get home I don't even have to gamble anymore but just watch Netflix or YouTube. I can hardly cope with this change from 10th grade to training… In 10th we hardly had school, I had time, I was able to dress as I want and had hardly any responsibility. I have been in training for 6 months now and things are getting better and worse. At the weekend it's time to pop off with alcohol, grass and sometimes other drugs until I feel nothing to "switch off". For me it is not a life worth living, I have hardly any joy left. I'm not depressed but rather an empty shell and it doesn't go on like this. If I have my driver's license in a few months, I only have to drive for half an hour, but I hardly think it will get better. What should I do? Do you get used to it or what? I'm only 16 maybe I started too early? How do I get out of there?


In my opinion, it will be a huge improvement if the route gets shorter, because there's so much free time and quality of life.


8 am to 5 pm? Welcome to the world of work. That's how it is. An apprenticeship or the world of work is not comparable to school, where things are usually more relaxed / you are at home earlier.

This is a change, and you can now feel it. You have to get used to it, then that will go away.

But you should definitely not do that with the drugs.


That's just the way we're serviced what a setting


I do not call that work… It is uneconomical, it robs people of energy and love of life.


Perhaps then your views are not compatible with those of society. But that doesn't mean that your views are correct. Most people have hobbies or other fun things besides work.

Working can also be fun.


What kind of hobbies there's no time for, i have to relax from the time traction on the weekend and first come to rest


Could your parents pay you for a small apartment at the training location?


Pop alcohol, grass, and sometimes other drugs

is not a solution to your problem.


Oha I get up at 5:00 am and leave at half past 6:20 am I'm at work 6:45 start. After work at 2:45 p.m. At home. There's really not much left then you go shopping for a while and then that's it. Off to bed.


There's enough time for that. You may be doing something wrong.


My grandpa lives closer, I grew up there but before 18 I can't go there


Ne go to work when it is dark and come home when it is dark my body can't even produce enough vitamin d3… Effective depressions… So I come home in the evening to have a quick rest and then it is time to go to bed inhuman times get up… Then the weekend is too short where I have to find myself again with the ulterior motive that it will go on on Monday anyway


4 p.m. At home is ok compared to 6:30 p.m.


Then the shift work is simply not for you. There are people who like it and have no problems with it. If it doesn't fit your lifestyle, it's up to you to change that


Have what is called normal working hours… Start at 7:30 a.m. Out at 6 a.m. You can imagine the rest…


Most of us go to work in the dark at this time of year and come back home in the dark.


I know it's all easy to say, but that's the way it really is, but I feel the same way, I always just tell myself to pull it off, in the end it's worth it, you have a completed apprenticeship and depending on what you can do after your apprenticeship just "chill" for a short time and see how it goes for you.

I just keep thinking that I make my own money and no longer have to ask for money, can treat myself to things with my money that I work for every day. Try to think a little more positively and not just see the bad in it. Do the training, you will not regret it🤗


Why not? If your parents allow it, it is possible


They won't


Just ask.


I've already