Do I have depression or am I just lazy?

- in Free

I feel so impotent and unmotivated when I have to do a duty, such as doing homework or tidying up rooms, that I find it absolutely impossible to do.

I have "defermentitis" and therefore I have very bad grades, after all, I often don't do my homework and sometimes only learn for tests the evening before, if at all.

I also have a severe, chronic OCD. As for the latter, I'm feeling better right now, but a few years ago it was so bad that I could hardly leave the house. I was very isolated and distracted myself with my cell phone.

Since then I have had a severe cell phone addiction, although, as I said, I no longer have a pronounced OCD. I still literally spend every free minute watching Netflix. Of course, this makes it all the more difficult for me to do my tasks.

My hobbies are still fun, but they come up short because of my cell phone addiction.

I consider depression because my mother has the impression that I no longer enjoy life and because listlessness and the feeling of being overwhelmed by simple tasks can be symptoms. I'm also often lonely (I'm pretty sure I have a social phobia and therefore have hardly any friends), frustrated with my life and having tantrums.

The problem is that I spend so much time on my cell phone to distract myself from my everyday life that I hardly notice my feelings.

I don't really know why I'm telling strangers on the internet… I'm just so desperate and feel like nobody understands it. I'm in therapy and my therapist is really nice and understanding. But I'm afraid that I can justify my mistakes with mental illnesses, even though I'm just lazy and therefore get pity and support that I don't deserve.

Only serious answers please. I really need help.


Everyone knows laziness, but if you notice that you have no drive at all, you should have it checked out.


Your mother could help you by going out together and doing something


Try to set the small goals. Eg You clean up every day for 5 minutes. That gives you self-control.


Go for a blood test! You are definitely missing some vitamin! Iron or vitamin D or have the thyroid checked too! All the best!


Do you have any other symptoms?

In any case, you should see a doctor.