What to do about laziness


I'm 15 years old and feel very lazy. In my own eyes I'm not the classic lazy. Say: I do not lie on the sofa with chips and cola and watch Netflix xd. I get lost very often on Instagram and YouTube. Then I often just lie on the sofa for hours on end (immersed in my cell phone), after which I often get upset how this can happen and go out and get some fresh air, which often makes me sad because I realize I can do much better time use… It's evening again… But I just can't get away from my cell phone. Can you help me escape this eternal cycle?


Hey maybe imagine a timer e.g. 30 minutes. You then use the time for Instagram and co and when the timer is over you really get up and do something else.


Uninstall insta and give yourself a limit of minutes / hours on your mobile phone / PC

do sports. You are 15. If you start now you will clear some girls in 4-5 years

Here we go


I think this is normal at 15, it has to do with the physical changes.


Since more than 1 hour of cell phone looks problematic for me, I especially blocked my Instagram if it was used for over an hour. You can set this for all apps. When I read your question it is time for you to change something. Take your life in your hand and follow your own path. You have nothing from the path of others like influencers


I've tried everything. But unconsciously it takes another quarter of an hour if you have to watch something again "


Speaking of sports, I don't have any discipline, if I do 10 pushups a day, will I have more muscles in a few weeks or how does it work? Do you know that?


Here is the hypnosis question


No, you have to stay consistent. Put nothing in, you'll get nothing out.