Can I always log out of Netflix for one device and then log in to another device without having to confirm something?


My mother has taken away my Ps4 because I gambled too much… On the Ps4 was a Netflix subscription for 1 device so the ps4 … Is it possible that I somehow log out there without the PS4 I turn on? I would like to log in to my cell phone and then just watch Netflix over the phone… Is that possible? Or is it only if I have booked the packet for 2 devices? Because it is called Eigendlich only if you get that for 2,3,4,5 … Devices you can look at the same time but I do not want that net, I just want to look on the phone instead of ps…


You do not need to log out. You can just look that way on a different device.

Do not understand why you ask here instead of just trying it out.


The number of logged-in devices does not matter. The number is only about simultaneous streams and downloads

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