Should I forbid him?


My brother (12) is watching House of Money on Netflix. I don't know if I should forbid him (because of the sex scene and the violence) or not. Of course I think this series is good, but I don't think he's too young for that.

What do you think?


How much is the film?

Are you a legal guardian?


From 16 and no i'm his sister (16)


I would not forbid him. Twelve-year-old boys also look at each other more, because house of money is still very harmless in comparison. I think if you forbade him, he would insist even more on watching it. Just let him look.


There are already a few heavy scenes. Then he should just look away for a moment.


I would forbid him, it's a bit heavy for old age. I would recommend it to my brother from 14 at the earliest